Thursday, October 30, 2014

More Foods that set your Metabolism on Fire and Boost Your Energy ALL day!

3 MORE foods that set your Metabolism on Fire and Boost your Energy All Day!


1.    Rolled Oats: With high quality combinations of complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, fiber, and protein, rolled oats make a pretty near PERFECT meal in the morning. Mix in some whey protein and flaxmeal, and you’ve got the best metabolism-boosting elixir around!  The morning is the optimal time to eat rolled oats because your brain and body need the carbohydrates most at this time – after you’ve been fasting for 6 hours or so.


2.    Salmon: Research suggests that while saturated fats (like those found in deep-fried foods) appear to promote weight gain, the healthy omega-3 fats found in cold water fish, such as salmon (and tuna), actually reduce the risk of becoming obese and improve the body’s ability to react to insulin. How can “fat” help make you slimmer? Well, the omega 3 fatty acid (EPA) found in Salmon stimulates the secretion of leptin, a hormone that regulates food intake, body weight and metabolism, and aids in the break-down of unwanted fatty tissues.  The healthy oils found in salmon have also been shown to reduce inflammation in your joints, and to improve circulation and heart health.


3.    Spinach: Popeye ate spinach, and so should YOU! Spinach really does make you stronger too – it is loaded with antioxidants that help repair damaged muscles. Spinach also prevents cancer-causing free radicals from damaging your body and your health. Spinach is also super high in iron (also great for women), vitamin C, potassium and magnesium.

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