Monday, November 17, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #5 - Don't NOT talk about it

Newly Wed Tip #5 - Don't NOT talk about it.
Being married is tough and the one thing most people, especially newly weds don't like to talk about is money and a budget! Most people are scared of money and afraid to see what they spend their money on and then don't want to hear they have to cut back.
Being a Newly Wed and talking about this is TOUGH!!! Why? Because you have 2 single people, that are use to THEIR own money and spending it how they WANT to. Not sharing it, not worrying about the other person and how much they need together to cover bills, food, rent, etc. So when you get married and combine everything, especially the money, it can be a bit scary and uneasy.
Whatever you do, don't NOT talk about it. Yes you might end up fighting and yes it might get heated but do it now. Do it in the first months of your marriage, because if you don't, then money will get between your marriage and it could end up ruining it. Knowing what you both make and where you spend your money is the best thing for your marriage, especially if you want to start trying to have kids or save to buy something new. Doing a budget sheet will show you where your money is going and where you can cut back on and what things you REFUSE to cut back on.
For example, Rich and I did this Friday night. It was stressful but it allowed us to see where we were spending our money and where we can cut back on. We both agreed that no matter what, the 2 things we refuse to take out of our lives and budget is Shakeology and Chiropractic Care. He said he was going to cut back on Dunkin Donuts on the weekends, and we said that we would limit going out to eat 1-2 a month instead of 1 night every weekend. I said I would not buy any more workout clothes until mine are all used and old and I will limit the Professional Development books I buy / meaning I wont buy any new ones until I finish all the ones I have.
So no matter what, Today plan a time to sit down with your spouse and write up a budget plan. We used the one above from a game that we have. You can find them online or just use a piece of paper to write down exactly where your money is going each month. Yes, this will be stressful, but it will be worth it in the end and it will honestly save your marriage in the future. Just make sure you are open and honest with each other. 

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