Thursday, November 13, 2014

TBT - Credit Card Debt

A year and a half ago I was struggling!  I was struggling personally and financially. I remember sitting down with Rich bawling my eyes out because I was sinking! I was 29 years old and living pay check to pay check and hating my job. I thought by now I wouldn’t have to live this way but I was wrong. I also just got engaged and things were starting to become real, especially with all the debt I wanted to pay off before getting married. I was in search of a new job and had an interview at Mt Lebanon School district for an autistic support teacher position. We had not even been engaged for a month, but we're already talking about living apart from each other so I could earn more money and pay off my debt before the wedding. I was miserable! I hated the thought of living apart and away from him just to make money and pay off my credit card (over $6000).

2 months later still in debt, the Beachbody Coaching opportunity came knocking. I didn’t have the money to spend on a program let alone shakeology and then on top of that the thought of coaching.  BUTI loved working out and researching how to live a healthy life. I wanted to help others and give them the knowledge that I had learned and was so passionate about, but once again, I didn’t have the money! I didn’t want to put it on my credit card and I really didn’t have it in my checking account. BUT I jumped. I don’t know why I did it, but there was something telling me that this was my next move, that this is what is going to make me happy and get me to the goals I want! So I did it. I bought a program and signed up to become a Beachbody coach. Was I scared? HECK YES!!! Was I worried that I wasn’t going to get out of debt by doing this? YES!! But I did it anyway and never looked back. And......


Today I was able to pay off my credit card!! How? Thanks to Beachbody! A year and half ago I transferred my credit card amount to a new card with 0% interest for 18 months. However at first I was paying the minimum on the credit card and stressing because I didn't think I would be able to pay it off in 18 months! Well 3 months into paying my credit card Beachbody entered my life! Thanks to Beachbody, today I was able to pay the final amount on it! Beachbody gave me the opportunity to make enough extra money to pay the amount I needed to pay to get my card paid off, no I didn’t pay it off before getting married but I did it! I paid it off today!!
I am so excited and can't wait to see what else I can do, with helping others. My goal is to help my coaches achieve the same thing. To get out of debt, to feel free, and to enjoy life without the worries of a credit card. Am I there yet? No but I sure am on my way!!

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