Monday, December 1, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #9 - Speak UP

Newly Wed Tip #9 - SPEAK UP

I talked last week about how marriage isn't perfect, that it will have its ups and downs, and that you will fight and argue.

Well this weekend Rich and I had fought. Our weekend was far from perfect and it was a learning experience for both of us.

This weekend my parents came up to State College, where we were and stopped by to watch some football, their car broke down and we had to take them to my aunts. While all this was going on, my dad pulled the Trucks handle too hard and broke it. Needless to say we now had to deal with that hassle over the weekend which was unplanned. And like I said was more of a hassle than anything.

Well on Saturday Rich called multiple places to see if they would glue it and they all told him that he needed a new door and not glue. Well this happened before and the place he normal goes glued it. However, they were not open. To make a long story short - Rich got RED angry about it all and blew up. I stayed away but heard his screaming, shouting, temper tantrum going on from upstairs. Plus some not so nice words came out of his month.

I was then PISSED. So mad at him that I couldn't even look at him. I didn't want to talk to him, see him or BE in the same room as him. So I stayed away. I cooked dinner for him and ate at a different time. I was SOOO MAD that I couldn't deal with it.

I am not one to speak up and tell him why I was mad. Usually I just wait it out, suck it up, and move on. Well this time, I put my foot down, and told him how I felt. It took me till the next day but I waited because I needed to calm down. I told him everything I felt and about the whole weekend / Saturday Fiasco situation. It felt amazing to finally speak up!! I had a weight lifted off my shoulder, PLUS it opened communication between us. It let him see how I felt and why I was so mad.

So lesson....SPEAK UP. Just because you fight or argue doesn't mean you have to keep quit and not express yourself. Speak up tell your significant other how you feel, why you go mad, how what they said or the way you acted made you react like this. BE OPEN and BE HONEST!!

You will be amazed at how speaking up and telling the truth, helps you grow as a couple. I know it helped us.

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