Thursday, November 30, 2017

Beauty Tip Thursday - Quick Holiday Makeup Tips with SenseCosmetics

Quick Holiday Makeup Tips with SenseCosmetics

  • Red Glitter Lips

Apply bold Blu-Red or Fly Girl LipSense to your lips and top off with Diamond Kiss LipSense Gloss to achieve sparkling, glittery red lips for the festive season!

  • Rosy Cheeks
Add a pop of rosy color to your cheeks with Pouty Pink or Cherry BlushSense shades for a cheerful, lovely holiday façade.

  • Gilded Eyes
Enhance the look of your eyes with a golden touch for your next holiday event with limited edition Gilded EyeSense Shimmer Liquid Eye Liner.

  • Shimmery Copper Eye Shadow
Achieve stunning and vibrant eye color for a vividly beautiful gaze during the season with Copper Rose Shimmer ShadowSense.
Blend and accent with other shimmery ShadowSense colors like Pink Opal ShimmerSandstone Pearl ShimmerSmoked Topaz Shimmer, or others to create your personalized, unique holiday look.

  • LashSense Mascara
Don’t forget to top off your eye makeup look with LashSense Waterproof Mascara, for long, gorgeous lashes that don’t run or flake through your busiest days.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Motivational Wednesday - Be Your Own SUPERHERO


Strengthen your SUPERHERO muscles!
Step outside of your comfort Zone! 
Take a risk.
Quit limiting your beliefs!
You were made for greatness! You are a SUPERHERO!! 
Times may get tough, you may fall down, but brush yourself off, fix your cape and keep going! 
Remember why you are doing this. Remember who you are being a superhero too. 
Don't give up when times get tough. Don't turn around and walk away when you start to feel uncomfortable. 
Step up, take charge, step outside of your familiar risk free zone and take that leap. Sore towards new experiences. Sore towards the unknown.
Don't think twice. Just remember you ARE a superhero. And that you CAN do anything you put your superhero muscles to!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Tasty Tuesday - Dark Chocolate Christmas Crookies

Dark Chocolate Christmas Crookies

Chocolate Crookie – Made 22 Cookies
2 cups almond meal
1/2 cup Cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup of water
1 T Stevia Powder
2 Dropperfuls of Stevia (flavor of Choice)


1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
2. Mix the all the ingredients in a bowl.
3. Roll the dough (starting with about half of it)  between two pieces of wax or parchment paper, to 1/8″ thick. Cut out cookies using a small circle cookie cutter. Place cookies on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. Repeat until all of the dough has been used. The cookies will not expand at all during baking so you can put them very close together on the baking sheet.
4. Bake the cookies for 10 minutes, rotating the pan halfway through.
5. Let the cookies cool on the baking sheet. They will firm up as they cool.
Store cookies in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Monday, November 27, 2017



10 months ago I felt the same way. I was stressed beyond stress, on a TIGHT budget and worrying if I would make it to the next month, just being able to afford groceries, let alone our bills.
2016 had a lot happen to me, a lot of changes, a lot of risks, and life took a turn that I didn't see coming.  There was no spending money on fun things, like clothes or going out to dinner or just buying something fun.
2016 really forced me to learn to live differently. It helped me appreciate things I used to take for going out to eat. 🥂
So if you feel this way, know that it's not going to last. I want to give you hope. 9 months ago I was stuck, I was facing a fork in the road with my future and my business. 
And instead of staying stuck, instead of sticking with what was comfortable, with what I knew how to do, even if it wasn't working, I took a leap of faith! I prayed, I questioned God, but in the end I listened and followed the path he was showing me.
And this month I was able to pay for EVERY SINGLE BILL I have with my Lipstick business! Say WHAT?!? Crazy?!?! I have only been building this business for less than 9 months!!
So, I want you to know, if you are feeling stuck...
TAKE A LEAP OF FAITH! JUMP NOW AND QUESTION LATER! Instead of telling yourself you can't, tell yourself you CAN and WILL!
You aren't rooted down to this life, you CAN MOVE.
It's going to take for you to STEP outside of your COMFORT ZONE. 
It's going to take for you to have a little faith.
And it might not be something you would have ever thought you would do.
But KNOW that no matter what, you do NOT have to SETTLE. You do NOT have to keep going with the life you have right now. You do NOT have to stay STUCK. 
If you're not happy with your life, then guess what, it's time to make a change! 
Trust God, JUMP now, QUESTION later, and hustle with all your heart! 
**SeneGence does not guarantee any level of success. Your income is a direct reflection of your efforts and skills. 
Want to learn more about the jump I made? Let's chat because my team is growing and we are moving to the TOP!

Friday, November 24, 2017

Health and Fitness Tip #155 - 5 Things That Happen When You Take A Shot Of ACV Before A Workout

5 Things That Happen When You Take A Shot Of ACV Before A Workout

If you’re in the gym and feeling exhausted, it may not simply boil down to a strenuous workout. Muscle pain and fatigue can happen even before the burn takes over. In fact, fatigue and muscle stress can happen because of underlying conditions. That’s where apple cider vinegar can help. Just one tablespoon of organic, unpasteurized and unfiltered ACV before your workout can boost your energy level and help minimize pain — here’s why...

1.Your pH will balance

Maintaining the correct acidity/alkalinity (or pH) of the blood is essential for good health. Due to the alkalizing nature of apples, they can help reduce acid in the body. In fact, fermented apples — the key to apple cider vinegar — create a balancing state of acid and alkalinity. This pH balance helps increase stamina and reduce pain when working out by eliminating excess acid from muscle tissues. pH also plays a huge role in oxygenating your body during times of stress.

2.Your body will detox as you exercise

As well as balancing the body’s pH, apple cider vinegar helps with overall detoxification of the body. In fact, many people have been using ACV to detox for thousands of years. The idea is that raw, unfiltered (murky and cloudy) ACV contains good bacteria for the gut, and vitamins, minerals and enzymes for the body. So, by taking ACV with water prior to your workout you can potentially remove “sludge toxins” from the body, which naturally improves your stamina.

3.Relieves stiff joints

Regular use of apple cider vinegar is thought to decrease joint pain — even pain associated with arthritis and gout — by reducing inflammation. Malic acid in the vinegar is able to dissolve the uric acid crystals within the joint and assist in flushing them from the body. For an added boost, add your ACV to tart cherry juice. Tart cherry juice may be sour to taste, but it provides a higher number of anthocyanins compared to sweet cherry juice. Anthocyanins promote anti-inflammatory processes in the body, according to Healthline. This healthy combo also helps post-workout recovery. Cherry juice is naturally high in potassium, which triggers electrical impulses throughout the body.

4.Your acid reflux will go away

ACV may help prevent morning acid reflux from rearing its ugly head. Exercise can trigger heartburn if your esophageal sphincter is weak or too relaxed. Or, if food or stomach acid “burps” back up into your esophagus. All that moving and shaking with too many spicy foods, acidic foods, sodas, coffee, chocolate and alcohol in your gut may be the catalyst. But ACV could help improve acid reflux if you’re not taking medications, and with minimal risk. A study from Arizona State University found that raw or unfiltered apple cider vinegar may help prevent heartburn. It’s generally safe to consume a small amount of apple cider vinegar before your workout, but it should be diluted with water suggests HealthLine. You can also add a little raw honey to the mix to help improve the taste.

5.Weight loss may be accelerated

When it comes to losing weight, ACV has always been a go-to remedy prior to working out. In fact, some studies support apple cider vinegar’s power for weight loss. One study from Japan found that obese rats who consumed apple cider vinegar daily shed more body weight and fat mass than the rats in the control group who did not consume ACV. In addition, the waist circumference and triglyceride levels for rats who took ACV seemed to lower significantly as well.

Apple cider vinegar detox

Here’s a basic recipe you can take prior to your workout:

One to two tablespoons of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar
Eight ounces of purified, distilled or spring water
One to two tablespoons of organic honey, maple syrup or stevia to taste

How to take ACV before your workout

Before you start guzzling lots of ACV, make sure it’s diluted with filtered water. Apple cider vinegar in its pure form is acidic and can erode tooth enamel or even burn your mouth and throat. So, be sure to rinse your mouth with water after drinking ACV. You may even want to drink it through a straw to avoid hitting your teeth. Yes, you can have too much of a good thing. Just one glass a day may be enough to negatively affect your teeth — and one glass is too much!


Some people who take apple cider vinegar in the morning prior to working out may experience some nausea or stomach discomfort after drinking it. This discomfort is usually worse when your stomach is empty.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving and Black Friday SPECIAL



Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Motivational Wednesday

STOP making excuses and START making things happen!

It's easy to make excuses! It's easy to say it's too cold, I'm too tired, I'm not in the mood, I messed up yesterday so why try today? 
It's WAY too easy to make excuses. 
It's hard to push play! It's pushing play that is the hardest in the entire workout! 
But if you want to make things happen, if you want to MUST push play, you MUST take that next step and eat healthy!
If working out and eating clean was easy everyone would do it. But it's not, it's not easy because you have to plan, prepare and buy the food. You can't run to McDonalds or Wendy's for lunch or dinner when you don't feel like cooking. You have to make it! 
Ask yourself......Do you want results? Do you want to lose the bloat? Do you want to lose those 5 extra pounds? Do you want to lower your cholesterol so you don't have to take a pill the rest of your life? 
Think about it!! If you want results, if you want that change, THEN YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT!! 
Push play today! Make your lunch and dinner instead of going out to eat! 
Change is tough but believe in yourself! You can do it!! I know you can!! 
Will you? Like this post if you plan to make a change today!!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Beauty Tip Tuesday - Seasonal Color Report For Spring 2018

Seasonal Color Report for Spring 2018

Each season, the team at the Pantone Color Institute (the industry expert on color trends) takes a close look at the top colors used by fashion designers during New York Fashion Week.

Looking forward to next year, we wanted to highlight the seasonal color trends for the upcoming spring season. The top 12 palette (as shown above) “encourages a sense of fun and playful release. With an air of complexity and distinctiveness, we find ourselves in a sanctuary of color that is ideal for some more unique and dramatic color mixing.”

The Pantone Color Institute is also including a “Classic Color Palette” for the first time in their spring 2018 seasonal color report. According to them, “classic color is the mainstay of the wardrobe and the foundational core upon which they start building their own personal style. The core classic shades play a critical role in any wardrobe, and we wanted to highlight the nuance of these classic colors for the spring 2018 season.”

Start to think about these gorgeous color trends for the upcoming season as you stock your inventory and get inspiration for your makeup looks, SeneBlends makeovers, and demos in the coming season.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Fit Girl turned Lip Girl!

Fit Girl turned Lip Girl!

WHY NOT?!?! Thats what I kept asking myself....
Why not try something new?
Why not give it a try?
Why not step outside your comfort zone?
Why not see where this exciting opportunity takes you?
I mean let's be honest, I am NOT into lipstick or make-up, OR WASN'T until a few months ago.
I grew up a sports kid. I didn't care about makeup. And the older I got the less interested I was. I stuck to what I knew and what looked good on me. 
Gross! I hated the taste, the way it came off on your food and drinks, and how it didn't stay on longer than like an hour, and that was if I didn't eat or drink any thing! 
However, all that has changed! 
I wish I would have know about this #Lipstick 3 years ago when I was #teaching and about to get #married! 
Because this stuff lasts! All day! No eating it. No coming off on glasses. No fading or wiping off! It stays on all day! 
It's legit a #OneAndDone and #ForgetAboutIt!
Now I am having fun, trying NEW COLORS, NEW SHADES, and helping others have fun and fall in love with lipstick and make-up for the first time! 
I mean a good lipstick is like a good pair of shoes! It makes you feel #sexy, #confident, #InCharge, and #beautiful!