Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Motivational Wednesday

STOP making excuses and START making things happen!

It's easy to make excuses! It's easy to say it's too cold, I'm too tired, I'm not in the mood, I messed up yesterday so why try today? 
It's WAY too easy to make excuses. 
It's hard to push play! It's pushing play that is the hardest in the entire workout! 
But if you want to make things happen, if you want to MUST push play, you MUST take that next step and eat healthy!
If working out and eating clean was easy everyone would do it. But it's not, it's not easy because you have to plan, prepare and buy the food. You can't run to McDonalds or Wendy's for lunch or dinner when you don't feel like cooking. You have to make it! 
Ask yourself......Do you want results? Do you want to lose the bloat? Do you want to lose those 5 extra pounds? Do you want to lower your cholesterol so you don't have to take a pill the rest of your life? 
Think about it!! If you want results, if you want that change, THEN YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT!! 
Push play today! Make your lunch and dinner instead of going out to eat! 
Change is tough but believe in yourself! You can do it!! I know you can!! 
Will you? Like this post if you plan to make a change today!!

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