Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Motivational Wednesday

I'm not here to be average. I am here to be awesome! 

Today be awesome! Today take that step you have been wanting to take. Don't make excuses, make results.
So many people stay with average because they are afraid. 
🔻of change.
🔻of being different.
🔻of stepping outside of their comfort zone. 
🔻of being uncomfortable. 
🔻of failing. 
🔻of disappointment.
Don't let your fears stop you from being awesome. Don't let your fears stop you from doing what makes you happy! Don't let your fears stop you from anything you want! 
Today make a promise to yourself! Today stop letting fear hold you back. Today throw your excuses out the window! Today go out there and be awesome! Take that step and get comfortably uncomfortable!!

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