Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Motivational Wednesday - If you focus on results, you will never change.

If you focus on results, you will never change. 

If you focus on change, you will get results. 
However this is hardest thing to do! When we start anything new from working out, to eating clean, to being happy, to thinking positive, to finding a new job, etc, we tend to focus on the results! 
We want results and we want them right away! I mean if we are going to suffer, than we should see the results immediately right?!?
Unfortunately, life isn't that easy! 
We need to change our thoughts and our focus when it comes to change. 
We need to focus on changing. On staying consistent. On staying motivated. Being determined and NOT giving up when we hit a numb in the road. 
Change is hard. But it's worth it! 
Being unhappy is hard and it's NOT worth it. 
So today, step up, refocus, put your thoughts and mind into change and not results!
When you do that you will see results come. But remember the change is more important than the results! Because in the end the results will come! 
Like this post if you plan on refocusing on change and forgetting about seeing results!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder - Do you suffer from it?


Ever hear of it? 
If you live in PA or up north, I know you have.
What is it? 
SAD stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder. Doesn't really sound like a disorder right? I mean how can a season really affect you and create a disorder? 
Well, guess what!?!
It does exist! And this year I REFUSE to let it affect me this year!
With this! 
With this I will NOT lose the battle.
Every year it affects me. And it usually hits in February because that is usually when the snow hits and when teaching there just didn't seem to be breaks, plus there just isn't much to look forward to.
But this year I plan on mastering it with my #HappyLight! This light is a sunlamp and is to help your SAD! All you do is turn it on and have it sitting near you for a half hour to an hour a day! 
I already feel a difference with doing it for 3 day! I feel more energetic, positive, and a LIGHT at the end of the tunnel. 
SAD sucks! And it hits you like a ton of bricks when you think you conquered it! 
So if you are in a funk, if you are affected by SAD, know you are not alone! I go through it every year too and I am hoping with this light that I can conquer it.

Monday, January 29, 2018

God Sized Dreams!

God Sized Dreams!

Do you have them? Did you know we were all born with them? 
I didn't know I was. I thought I was just meant to be a teacher for the rest of my life. I mean I taught for 8 years before I quit. 
Crazy, right? 
I mean I gave up my pension. I gave up my retirement. I gave up my security. I gave up my benefits. All for what? For a new passion?!? To become my own CEO?!?! To BUILD an online business?!?
Yep! I didn't realize it at the time,  BUT, I was following my God Size Dream! 
So why I did I do it? Why did I give up all the security?!?!
Because I was being pulled to follow my dream. I prayed hard on what to do, I mean I thought teaching was it. But..
The education system is not what it was when I went into teaching. It wasn't the same. 
AND I lost my passion and drive for teaching. For 2 straight years I went to bed crying and woke up crying everyday. I was not longer happy and I lost the passion and drive I had for teaching! I knew I couldn't live the rest of my life the way I was living. I was miserable and it reflected in my relationships with my then fiancΓ©, family, and friends.
So I followed my Dream. My dream of being my OWN boss. My Dream of growing a team. My Dream of Owning my Own business. 
And now, 4 years later, my Dream is continuing to lead me, to allow me to follow my passion, and most of all to continue to HELP others do the same thing!! 
And I am happy!! Truly happy waking up each day and following my dream!
Some days are easier than others, of course, but when I feel like I am on the wrong path, I look back and remember how I got here, and how my dream is BIGGER, every day, how I am not here to be rich in money, but to be rich in helping others with THEIR OWN God Size Dreams. 
I have big goals. And a lot of them are hairy scary audacious goals but there is no other option but to succeed! Why? Because the fear of having to go back to teaching is scarier then the hairy scary audacious goals I have set for myself!
Making this leap, following my God Sized Dreams was the best decision I made and I would love for you to become part to my team working towards your goals whether they are making a supplemental income, replacing your salary, or just having the extra income to spend.
#GlossBossDynasty is on fire!! Don't ask why? Ask yourself why not?!? And join our amazing team and get ready for an amazing 2018 to come your way!!

Friday, January 26, 2018

Health and Fitness Tip #163 - 8 Ways to Make a Healthy Habit Stick

8 Ways to Make a Healthy Habit Stick

Starting new habits is hard. Some changes take longer to become second nature than others; there is no magic number. The key to making a long-term change is sticking with it and making it a habit as soon as possible to avoid expending willpower.

Here are eight ways to establish long-term healthy eating habits — especially after a relapse.

An estimated 47% of our behavior repeats daily, with minimal thought needed. Find a way to quickly connect your new behavior to an existing habit, and it won’t use up as much of your willpower. For example, add a handful of spinach to the omelet you make every morning.

When setting goals, start out “smart,” by making specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound plans. In our eagerness to reach the finish line, we often aim too high, which sets us up to fail. If you never cook dinner, start by committing to cooking one or two meals a week at home.

You wouldn’t run a marathon if you’ve never run a mile, so apply that same logic to your eating habits. Smaller goals are easier to implement, allowing room to grow. Choose roasted broccoli over fries. Eat protein at every meal. Drink water not soda. Small changes add up and bolster your self-confidence and motivation.

If you know something is likely to derail your habits, avoid it or change it. Walk home another way instead of passing the bakery, suit up in workout clothes before you leave work so you’re not tempted to go immediately home or invite a friend to yoga instead of out for drinks.

Once you’ve removed the obstacles, set yourself up to succeed. Throw out all junk food. Keep healthy takeout menus on hand. Sign up for a healthy meal-delivery service. Do whatever you can to make it easier to reach your goal.

Author Gretchen Rubin cites this as one of the five traps that can destroy your good habits. That is, if you have one hard day or a couple of slip-ups, you haven’t undone all your hard work — unless you let it. Sometimes a “mistake” can work in your favor, reminding you how committed you are to changing or, for example, how awful you feel after eating that extra piece of cake. This is the difference between a diet mindset, which works against our self-control, and a sustainable habit, which reinforces and builds it.

Healthy eaters know that while you shouldn’t use food as a reward, you also need to live a little. Food is fuel, but it is often the central part of any celebration. Learn to embrace a philosophy of moderation by letting go of the good food/bad food mentality, which can help you shift from a punitive diet mentality to a true appreciation for healthier eating habits.

In her book “Better Than Before,” Rubin says restarting is harder than starting. When life gets crazy — and it will — pause your habits instead of quitting them. Take a step back (one home-cooked dinner, not two) or stay where you are until life settles down. If you get off-track, pause rather than stop. Reframing the habit this way can help you pick up where you left off.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Beauty Tip Thursday - Common Foundation Mistakes to Avoid

Common Foundation Mistakes to Avoid

Foundation is the canvas on which we build a gorgeous makeup look. Avoid these common foundation mistakes to enhance your complexion and create a natural-looking finish.
  1. Applying With Your Fingers
    It may seem easiest to apply foundation with your fingers, but it oftentimes leaves harsh lines on the skin. For a more accurate blend, use a brush or sponge. With a brush, blend or stipple the foundation create an airbrushed finish with little product. With a sponge, dab to avoid lines. Brushes are preferable to sponges, as they blend more evenly and do not absorb as much product.
  2. Using Powder Foundation
    Powder foundation can look chalky and settle into wrinkles. Plus, it dries out the skin and looks obvious in pictures. Use liquid MakeSense Foundation for the most natural and flawless coverage. You can use powder, however, when setting your makeup at the end — Translucid Powder in Natural is perfect for this!
  3. Highlighting Fine Lines
    Foundation is meant to hide fine lines, not enhance them. Avoid creasing by applying a thin amount of product under the eye and around the mouth (where wrinkles are most prominent). Use a tissue to dab any excess product off. Be sure to use MakeSense Silk before foundation application to fill fine lines and wrinkles and create a smooth skin surface.
  4. Testing the Color on Your Hands
    To color test, don’t dab the shades on the back of your hand. Instead, test the color on your jaw line to find a match.
MakeSense Foundation provides the perfect, natural feeling and looking coverage and anti-aging benefits to the skin, and is available in Original and Advanced Anti-Aging for fantastic coverage and skin benefits in one.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Motivational Wednesday - If you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop working for it!

If you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop working for it!

So many times we give up before we get started! 
Because the start is the hardest part. Starting something new is scary. 
We fear change, we fear what others are going to think, we fear we will fail.
I can't tell you, that you won't. I can't tell you that change is easy, but I can tell you it's worth it. 
Stop listening to what others say, because those that matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter! 
Do you! Whatever you are thinking about. Whatever you can't get off your mind. Whatever you want. Do it. 
Don't worry about anybody but you. Remember it's not selfish, you have to be happy and healthy too! Taking time out for yourself shows others you respect yourself and want to be around for a long time! 
Today, take what you can't stop thinking about, and take action with it! Don't wait another minute or day!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018




1 New LIMITED EDITION ShadowSense Color!! 

Limited Edition Colors are not ones to stick around for long so if you see a color you want grab it now before they sell out for good! 
Email me with which ones you want and your paypal email address!  πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ

Monday, January 22, 2018

Life begins at the edge of, and keeps expanding outside of your comfort zone.

Life begins at the edge of, and keeps expanding outside of your comfort zone.

Do you ever ask yourself if network marketing is for you? If you could build a successful business? Team? 
Well those of us that are in network marketing will tell you it MORE than worth it!
With network marketing, owning your own business....
YOU get to decide what your life looks like and get to help other people do the same! 
You get to travel, spend time with your kids, go to their sporting events, their classroom parties, you get to get involved in causes that are near and dear to your heart.
When you decide to join a company and start being your own boss, you end up sitting on a business that can give you all of that! 
I am experiencing it with my new business and I want you to experience with me! 
Have you thought once about becoming a distributor?!πŸ’‹Well then message me! This months deals are like nothing before! 
Plus you won’t just be gaining a business you will be gaining SOOO much more!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Health and Fitness Tip #162 - 8 Trends to Know About in 2018

8 Trends to Know About in 2018

From trendy superfoods to the latest cooking techniques, chefs, foodies and health junkies are always searching for that next “it” thing. We asked nutrition experts to tell us about the foods that will likely be trending this year — some are becoming cult classics, others are completely new to the game.


Appearing in everything from detox drinks to cosmetics, this jet black product has blown up on Instagram. “Medically, it’s used for acute intoxication from a drug or poisonous substance, because it binds to the toxin and prevents the body from absorbing it,” says Melissa Groves, RD, at Avocado Grove Nutrition & Wellness. But people who are using it for “detox” or using it as a trendy ingredient to turn their food black may not realize that it may be blocking the absorption of nutrients as well as toxins.”

Because activated charcoal interacts with medications and can decrease their effectiveness, Groves notes that, “if you’re going to use activated charcoal, it’s important to take it at least 2 hours before or after any other food, medication or supplement.”


Matcha, a type of green tea with bright green leaves ground into a fine powder and consumed whole, has been on-trend for the past few years. The whole-leaf provides more potent green tea compounds like antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and caffeine. Because a serving of matcha can contain as much caffeine as a cup of coffee, be careful serving it to anyone who is sensitive to caffeine.

While it’s been consumed as a drink for the past several years, there’s been a more recent surge in using matcha in food since it adds a warm and savory element.


A fermented, slightly sweetened, bubbly tea drink that boasts an array of gut-healthy probiotic bacteria, kombucha has gone from the back of independent health food stores to front and center at convenience stores everywhere. Although the health benefits of kombucha sound promising, there are still very limited medical studies connecting health benefits to kombucha.

With respect to flavored varieties, watch out for high sugar content. And since kombucha contains a limited amount of alcohol (a byproduct of fermentation), beware if you’re pregnant or sensitive to alcohol.


Turmeric is a bright yellow spice commonly used in Indian cuisine, known for bringing the unique flavor to curry. It’s surged in popularity in the past few years with studies indicating that curcumin, a potent anti-inflammatory compound within, may help with arthritis, immunity and fighting cancer.

Found near the garlic in fresh root form in supermarkets, we expect the golden milk latte trend to continue into 2018 and beyond.Turmeric tea, made by adding turmeric to hot water with a splash of almond milk and honey, is an even more convenient way to get the benefits of this powerful spice.


A protein made of tiny building blocks called amino acids, collagen is found in bone broth and supplements. Collagen peptides come in a tasteless, odorless powder that’s mixed into anything from smoothies to hot liquids. Because it’s an amino acid, it’s high in protein: 2 scoops of unflavored collagen peptides contain 70 calories and 18g protein. But vegetarians beware: “Because collagen typically comes from cow or fish sources, it is not vegetarian or vegan friendly,” says Mandy Enright, RDN, creator of Nutrition Nuptials.

Before you start jumping on this trend, however, studies about the benefits of this nutrient are inconclusive. “More significant research is needed to back claims that it can promote gut health, reduce inflammation, reduce joint pain and create healthy hair, skin and nails,” says Enright.


With more people choosing a plant-based and vegan lifestyle or looking for dairy-free options, there are more and more varieties of “milk” on the market as well as other offerings for cream cheese, yogurt and coffee creamer.

According to Enright, “many companies are getting more creative with their sources as there are even alternative dairies from non-nut sources, such as oats, for those with nut allergies.” Seattle-based dietitian Ginger Hultin adds that you should , “watch out for added sugars in products at the grocery store and instead opt for the unsweetened varieties. They’re great in recipes and can have a nice, creamy consistency.”


One of the newest “super powders” on the market is being touted as the “miracle tree.” The moringa tree is native to the sub-Himalayan areas of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Rich in vitamins A, C and E, the leaves and seeds are high in powerful antioxidants, including flavonoids, polyphenols and ascorbic acid.

“Some powders contain up to 40% the daily value of iron, which is extremely beneficial to vegetarian females and to female athletes, who tend to have lower iron levels and a higher risk of iron deficiency anemia,” says Kelly Jones, RD, a certified sports dietitian and  co-founder of Fit Fueling: Mindful Eating for Active Females. Adhere to the suggested serving of 1/2–1 teaspoon a day by adding it to smoothies or tea.


More than a buzzword, the “mindfulness” mantra has become a way of life. This mind-body focus is beginning to shape our food culture and consumer attitudes around food choices. Mindful eaters want to enjoy eating, be nourished with whole foods, indulge in their vices, eat with others, cook homemade meals and know where their food comes from.

Eating is an experience in the mindfulness practice and may also help with managing a healthy and happy bodyweight. “In a culture where external cues like diets and the scale dictate our food decisions, mindfulness helps us to tap back into our body’s innate wisdom to determine what and how much to eat,” says Kara Lydon, RD, a certified intuitive eating counselor. “By grounding ourselves in the present and observing the physical sensations in our bodies, we can choose foods based on our hunger and fullness and what sounds satisfying in the moment.”

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Beauty Tip Thursday - Top Seasonal Lip Colors and Textures

Top Seasonal Lip Colors and Textures

  1. Glossy Lips- The beauty world’s obsession with dewy finishes has moved to lips! Glassy, shiny finished lips will be popular in 2018. Top any LipSense color with Glossy Gloss, Diamond Kiss Gloss, Opal Gloss and many more options, for deliciously glossy lips.

  2. Red Hot- Not a trend, but here to stay, red lips are having an extra special glamorous moment. Go for LipSense in Blu-Red or Fly Girl. Go neutral and subdued on your eyes to balance the bold color on your lips.

  3. Peach- Soft, warm shades of peach are popular at the moment. Try Apple Cider, Heartbreaker, Summer Sunset and Caramel Latte for various tones of peach.

  4. Metallic Finishes- Glowing, metallic finishes in all colors will trend into 2018. LipSense frost-textured shades give a gorgeous metallic finish. Wear B. Ruby or Fire N’ Ice for a bolder metallic look, or Honey Rose or Mauve Ice for a more subdued, frosty metallic. Opal LipSense Gloss adds a holographic finish that is out of this world.

  5. Violet- As the color of the year, “Ultra Violet”, was recently named by Pantone, you will see this cool purple shade everywhere in 2018. LipSense in Violet Volt is the perfect match on lips, and features a unique blue iridescent finish that is simply mesmerizing.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wednesday Motivation - You are so WORTH it! Stay strong!

You are so WORTH it! Stay strong!

Life can be hard!
Changes can be hard!
Starting new can be hard!
Staying the same can be hard!
Remember that you are choosing your hard. What would you rather have be hard? The changes your making or staying the same? 
When making big changes to our health, our fitness, our eating, our attitude, our job, etc. it can be HARD! 
BUT it's worth it! You are WORTH it!
Don't give up even if you stumble! Know that the changes you are making are for the better! 
Know that the hard that you are going through is making you stronger! 
Know that in the end, you will be so glad you stuck to it! 
And remember, you aren't perfect, so you will stumble, and you might even fall, but don't give up and don't lose hope! It's all part of the journey! 
Today pick your hard! Do you and go after the changes you want! You ARE worth it!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Transformation Tuesday - A year in review

A year ago you would have NEVER seen me wear bright red lipstick or be confident enough to post a selfie and be a leader! But here I am leading an amazing team and on my way to financial freedom, aka being #debtfree! 

Crazy how things change in a year! #GodKnows
I never imagined lipstick but God knew! πŸ’„I can’t express how grateful I am for this opportunity but I want to be REAL!!! πŸ™πŸ»
Success isn’t always sexy! This didn’t just happen because I joined at the right time or I got lucky! It has been a lot of hard work but FUN work!I had no idea what I was doing when I started but I have hustled and prayed a lot! πŸ™πŸ»❤πŸ™πŸ»
I wake up early to work before I head to work and i work when I come home from work. I have given up sleep, tv, and other sacrifices this year! Because sometimes you have to say no to good things to say yes to GREATER things! πŸ˜©πŸ˜‡#Sacrifice #WorthIt
Having your own biz is about more than πŸ’°money! It stretches and grows you to step out of your comfort zone , partner with God, and LET GO of fear! 
This journey has allowed God to heal me and stretch me beyond belief! I have learned so much and I can’t wait to see what this year holds for me and my team! πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸŽ‰πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
If you are interested in this opportunity, message me now so you can start the new year off with a BANG and get in you into our 2018 Training Program!
I love helping women step out of their COMFORT ZONE and achieve their GodSizeDreams! πŸ’‹♥️πŸ’„#GodsWill #GodfidenceπŸ’„