Tuesday, January 30, 2018

SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder - Do you suffer from it?


Ever hear of it? 
If you live in PA or up north, I know you have.
What is it? 
SAD stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder. Doesn't really sound like a disorder right? I mean how can a season really affect you and create a disorder? 
Well, guess what!?!
It does exist! And this year I REFUSE to let it affect me this year!
With this! 
With this I will NOT lose the battle.
Every year it affects me. And it usually hits in February because that is usually when the snow hits and when teaching there just didn't seem to be breaks, plus there just isn't much to look forward to.
But this year I plan on mastering it with my #HappyLight! This light is a sunlamp and is to help your SAD! All you do is turn it on and have it sitting near you for a half hour to an hour a day! 
I already feel a difference with doing it for 3 day! I feel more energetic, positive, and a LIGHT at the end of the tunnel. 
SAD sucks! And it hits you like a ton of bricks when you think you conquered it! 
So if you are in a funk, if you are affected by SAD, know you are not alone! I go through it every year too and I am hoping with this light that I can conquer it.

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