Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Motivational Wednesday

The only way to succeed is to NOT worry about what anyone else is doing!

Gahhhhh!! That's hard! 
How many of us compare ourself to others? 
How many of us compare our journey to others? 
How many of us compare our weight loss to others? 
How many of us compare our job to our coworkers?
I know I am GUILTY of doing it! 
It's so easy to see others make progress and not say why not me? What is wrong with me? Why can't I be like that? 
Guess what?!? You can!! 
You can be better!! 
But you have to stop comparing yourself! 
You know your body, you know your limitations! You can do anything you need / want to do! You just have to believe in yourself and work for it! 
The best way to do that is to STOP comparing yourself to others, STOP caring what others think and say about you, and START putting your blinders up!!
Don't worry about others and just focus on you!! 
Focus on your goals, dreams, and what you want with your life!! 
Leave the comparison up to who you were last week to who you were this week!!

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