Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Motivational Wednesday - If you focus on results, you will never change.

If you focus on results, you will never change. 

If you focus on change, you will get results. 
However this is hardest thing to do! When we start anything new from working out, to eating clean, to being happy, to thinking positive, to finding a new job, etc, we tend to focus on the results! 
We want results and we want them right away! I mean if we are going to suffer, than we should see the results immediately right?!?
Unfortunately, life isn't that easy! 
We need to change our thoughts and our focus when it comes to change. 
We need to focus on changing. On staying consistent. On staying motivated. Being determined and NOT giving up when we hit a numb in the road. 
Change is hard. But it's worth it! 
Being unhappy is hard and it's NOT worth it. 
So today, step up, refocus, put your thoughts and mind into change and not results!
When you do that you will see results come. But remember the change is more important than the results! Because in the end the results will come! 
Like this post if you plan on refocusing on change and forgetting about seeing results!

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