Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wednesday Motivation - You are so WORTH it! Stay strong!

You are so WORTH it! Stay strong!

Life can be hard!
Changes can be hard!
Starting new can be hard!
Staying the same can be hard!
Remember that you are choosing your hard. What would you rather have be hard? The changes your making or staying the same? 
When making big changes to our health, our fitness, our eating, our attitude, our job, etc. it can be HARD! 
BUT it's worth it! You are WORTH it!
Don't give up even if you stumble! Know that the changes you are making are for the better! 
Know that the hard that you are going through is making you stronger! 
Know that in the end, you will be so glad you stuck to it! 
And remember, you aren't perfect, so you will stumble, and you might even fall, but don't give up and don't lose hope! It's all part of the journey! 
Today pick your hard! Do you and go after the changes you want! You ARE worth it!

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