Friday, May 8, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #25 - Be a Mighty Maintainer

Be a mighty maintainer
So what do you do when the end is near? What do you do when you have FINALLY reached that number on the scale that you want to stick with FOREVER? How do you not continue to lose or GAIN that weight back?
First off pat yourself on the back for sticking with it and doing what needed to be done for you to reach your goals.
Second, go reward yourself! NO not with food but with a new outfit or something you have been wanting since you started.
Third, to maintain your weight, you still have to make those smart choices at restaurants, work, and home. Just because you hit your goal, doesn't mean that you can go back to your old ways and habits of eating and continue to keep your goal. 
Fourth, Look into getting a success partner or an accountability partner, someone who you can chat with once a week about your eating highs and oh-no's. Join an accountability Facebook group if you don't have anyone you want to talk eating and healthy lifestyle with.
Fifth, stick to using that scale, NOT daily or even weekly, but biweekly. Why? So you can be proactive if a few extra pounds creep back on, which they will from time to time, because life will get in the way.
And LAST, Don't let your exercise routine change, because even if you don't have any more pounds to lose, you'll still be working out your heart and everything else!

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