Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Jess S. - 3 Day Refresh

This is Jess. She started out as a customer doing the 21 day fix back in September. She fell in love with shakeology and knew that she couldn't live without it but it really didn't fit into her finances. Being off of it, for just a few days, made her realize that she didn't it and needed to figure out a way to afford it. So she become a working coach and she has been on fire ever since!!! She is crushing goals like no other, especially when it comes to help others each month.

These are Jess's Before and after photos from doing the 3 Day Refresh. She did the refresh at the end of April and in the middle of the week. She did it Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. She decided to complete this program in order to get back on track with her eating and to see what it was like.
For 3 days, she endured fiber sweeps, vanilla fresh shakes, fruit, and veggies. She also drank a ton of water!

Something's that she learned doing the fresh are:
**chug the fiber sweep
**add less water, almond extract, and lots of ice to the vanilla fresh shakes
**drink plenty of water
**savor every bite of those veggies
** do low impact workouts
**hummus is actually really good!!

Recap on her experience:

The first 2 days weren't bad. She was surprised at how much energy she had and how she wasn't hungry. However, the 3rd day was a different story for her. She caved and ate a tsp. of peanut butter! However, overall, in 3 days she lost 4.2 POUNDS and 2 INCHES (1.5 from her hips and .5 from her waist)! She was really impressed with herself and her results. And she plans to this program in the future.

Everyone's experiences are different. On the first day its always harder for me than the 3rd day and usually on the 3rd day I am flying high and feel like I can take on the world. However, the one thing that is not different for everyone is the results. No matter who you are, as long as you follow the 3 days to a T you will lose weight and lose any where from 2-10 pounds.

Remember this 3 day refresh is safe, effective, and you EAT on it. No starving yourself, no juicing or fasting, you actually eat a lot of food on it. 

Interested in the 3 day refresh? Want to do it before you leave for vacation. Email me at jgerity83@gmail.com and lets get you started!!

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