Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Angela F - Lifestyle Change

This is Angela and she started her journey 9 Months ago with Beachbody. She started out doing the 21 Day Fix. She was post baby #2 happy she had a baby girl, but unhappy with the weight she gained while pregnant. She was over 200 pounds and did not feel comfortable in her own skin.

Since she started the 21 Day fix (9 months ago) She has lost almost 50 pounds. She feels more confident and strong, she is back to working out, running, and feeling sexy in her own skin!

So how did she do it? She did it by changing her lifestyle. She started with the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology. Yes she was breastfeeding and yes she had to go up a bracket but she still continued to lose weight, while still providing her body and her daughter with the nutrients they needed. She started to see the weight steadily decrease. After 3 rounds of the fix, she moved to PiYo, then the fix extreme and now she is doing Body Beast.

She not only fell in love with her new body and confidence, she fell in love with Beachbody, the programs and shakeology!! Why? Because they work! They aren't a quick fix, they teach you about lifestyle changes and nutrition. Since then she has become a coach and is now helping others get healthy and happy!!

You can be a busy, working, full-time mom. There are many programs that are 30 minutes or less. Eating Clean is fun! If you are ready to take the next step with your health or get back to prebaby weight I am here for you. Let me help you feel confident, strong, and sexy again!! When you are ready, I am here for you! We will do it together.

You Ready? Email me to get started today!

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