Friday, July 17, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #35 - Excuse - I've tried that already

Exercise Excuse No. 6: 'I've Tried Before.'

What did you try before? Why didn't it work? Did you stick with it? Did you have help? Did you have accountability? Did you set goals for yourself? Did you keep track weekly? Did you eat right?
Set THEM!! Set goals that are small and realistic. Don't set goals that are huge and going to take a long time to reach. Have a long term goal but break it down, into smaller goals. Why? Because you're more likely to feel like a success, not a failure, when you reach those small goals.

Also keep a log and post it somewhere public -- even on Facebook. Make a "wall of encouragement." Why? So Friends and family can then say, "Hey, you did 15 minutes yesterday. Great job," or they can motivate you when you are down and looking for an excuse to fall off track. The log will also help you to see if and when you're falling off the wagon (or the track).

Having an exercise buddy or a support group keeps you accountable as well. You may be more likely to show up for your workout if you know someone is expecting you to be there, or a group is counting on your posts!

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