Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Carlee

Meet Carlee! She is another amazing Beachbody Coach with an inspiring Story!!

Carlee has had some health issues (not really sure what's going on) lately that have thrown her off of her game and she is not happy with where she is at now! She feels ashamed!

But look where she started and look where she is at now. Not only is she no longer there but she is not the same person! And she will never be that same person ever again!!

The picture on the left is THAT picture you look back on and hate more than any other. This was her sons first Thanksgiving and she wishes she could look back on this picture and love it and remember that amazing day. However, now when she looks at it, she cringes.

She may not be making the best choices right now or working out as consistently as she should but the lessons she has learned over this journey have changed even her bad days!!! She has learned to be more conscious over all her choices.
I share this transformation with you because I want you to know that WE are all HUMAN! We are not perfect, even Beachbody coaches have their times where they fall off track. This journey is a tha, a journey! It isn't easy but it is worth it. Because once you get on the journey and see the progress you never thought you could make, you continue on it, you keep going when you fall off, you get back on when you fall down, and you keep trucking forward!!

Remember most roads are not straight. They have their ups and downs, just like you will have in your journey! BUT remember progress is made and will continue to be made as long as you keep going and you never turn back and head in the wrong direction!  It's a marathon not a sprint!!!!

Take this journey! Decide that you are ready to commit! You can do it. You don't have to be perfect! You just have to learn and keep going no matter what!!


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