Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Shake What Group Forming now!

On a daily basis, I am asked: Shakeology?!? What is it? Why is it so great? You want me to spend WHAT? So WHAT is shakeology? Do you know? It is just another protein shake? Is it a meal replacement? Is it Gluten Free? Dairy Free? Vegan? Does it really TASTE that good?
Well we all know that I LOVE shakeology and that I honestly can't go a DAY without having it, if not 2!! Shakeology has seriously changed my life and helped me in so many ways!! My husband Rich, has even fallen in love with Shakeology!! I honestly can't say one bad thing about shakeology! And I love it soo much that I want to share it with you!!! So.....
I am running a FREE, no obligations, no commitment group to tell you ALL about shakeology. AND I will be doing a give away of FREE Shakeology packets at the end of the 5 days!
What do you have to lose? Its FREE. Join us for a fun way to learn more about shakeology and why I am so in love with this particular shake! And don't forget, you could WIN some packets too.
Email if you are interested in join this Email Shake What Group!
Not for Beachbody coaches or customers that already have a coach. Thank you! :)

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