Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Motivation Wednesdy - Life isn't meant to be perfect

Life isn't perfect!

Life is hard. Marriage is hard. Being an adult is HARD!

I grew up being having to act perfect no matter what was wrong. Fake it. But sometimes you just can't fake it. You just can't act perfect all the time. It's not real life!!

Real life is.....That I am NOT perfect. I stress, I get down on myself, I over eat. My marriage is not perfect. We fight, we struggle. But that is part of life. That is what makes us grow stronger, stand taller, and learn for the next time.

Guess what?!? You don't have to be perfect! Yes, we grew up in a society that makes us think perfection is key and that you are only accepted if you are perfect! Well that's a load of crap!

I might not always post about my struggles, my ups, my downs, my fights, but know this, I go through them too. When this happens in my life, I close down, I close up, and I become quit. I am far from perfect and struggle with life like you.

So remember when you are struggling, when you are going through a hard time, know that you are not alone. Know that there are others out there that have the same struggles! And know that no matter what YOU are unique! You are worth it!

Don't give up. And don't get down when you mess up or are stressed to the max. Life is hard. No one is perfect. Your life is your journey so make the best of it!

And always take the lemons that life throws your way and make margaritas with them!

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