Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Jessica - PiYo

It's that day again! Transformation Tuesday!!! I don't share these pictures each day to boast about these ladies. . Some are still a work in progress. But aren't we all! We are always shooting higher, shooting for the next GOAL!  
I post these pictures each TUESDAY for YOU! WHY?!? Because I want YOU to know YOU can do it too! If I can do it, if these ladies can do it, so can YOU!!!

Most of these ladies just want to fit into her pre-pregnancy clothes again or feel confident and beautiful in their own skin. That's why I started! I just wanted to feel comfortable and confident in my clothes and my wedding dress.
Now I want to have this healthy lifestyle in place for when we start having kids. I'm just a hard worker determined to meet my goals.

 It's not easy, even though the pictures make it look like it- that.
Here is Jessica, she has made great gains or losses, and is still continuing to work to reach her BIG goal. Jessica is a mom and a hard worker. These pictures of her are from when she started to 50 days in to the PiYo program!!! She did 50 days of clean eating and doing PiYo AND most importantly she never gave up! Just think 50 days is not even 2 months!!! Just think of what YOU could look like in 2 months if you decided to start NOW!!!

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