Friday, October 2, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #46 - The good and the bad forms of Dairy

When it comes to Dairy we all love it. However, its not the best for our bodies. People handle their dairy intake differently. Some people can eat a lot of it. Others can't eat any of it. And yet others can eat it but it effects some part of them.
For me Dairy STRESSES me out. I never knew that about it, until I went off it for the Ultimate Reset. Now when I have it, which is maybe one time every 2 -4 weeks, I feel the effect in my gallbladder and with my hormones! Especially the next day!
So are there any forms of GOOD dairy? There are actually. Below I have a list for you of the good dairy and the bad dairy. Check it out. And see what you could try and maybe avoid. 
Healthy Forms of Dairy with Super-Nutrients that Protect Your Health:

•Pasture-raised cream (aka, grass-fed)

•Pasture-raised butter

•Aged cheeses made from pasture-raised milk (European cheeses are generally grass-fed) -- Note that aged cheeses are generally more digestible than non-aged cheeses since microbes have already partially broken them down.

•Yogurt - only unsweetened, plain, or plain greek gets my vote (organic or grass-fed is best of course)

•Kefir - fermented (cultured) milk with 2-10x more probiotics than most yogurts. Kefir is the healthiest, most digestible form of dairy available and is known to heal many digestive problems (7 - 50 Billion probiotics per cup)

•Lassi - another form of fermented milk, Indian style, and similar to Kefir.
Unhealthy Forms of Dairy:

•Homogenized/pasteurized commercial milk - homogenized milk fat is thought to be harmful to health due to the microscopic fat particles that are formed from the homogenization processing.

•Yogurt that's loaded with sugar or artificial sweeteners (which is most brands)

•Processed non-aged cheeses such as American cheese or cheese spreads

•Skim milk or fat-free dairy of any type -- There's a reason that nature provides fat in this food source.  When us foolish humans artificially remove all of the natural healthy fat from dairy, studies show that more health problems are associated with dairy in that specific case.  You need full-fat dairy to get real health benefits, not skim milk or fat-free cheese or yogurt.

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