Thursday, October 15, 2015

NEW RECIPE ALERT!!! - Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Muffins

Every Friday of a Home Game weekend, I make a treat for my hubby. Well last weekend, I decided to take my FAMOUS Almond Butter Cookies and try to make them into muffins. And Guess WHAT!!! I succeeded! These muffins turned out PHENOMENAL!! They were moist and delicious and hubby approved! He actually couldn't keep his hands off them!
These muffins are gluten free / grain free and you wouldn't even know that because of how moist they were! They are also PLANT BASED! Every ingredient I used was to the truest form and organic. You don't have to have them be organic, its just our way of life and we prefer organic.
Also you don't have to add he chocolate chips. We love chocolate chips and added them in.
I was very surprised how the muffins rose too! A lot of ties when I make things like this, they don't rise or only a little. These suckers rose like it was a gluten muffin!
These Muffins are 21 Day Fixed approved too. 1 Muffin = 1 yellow and 2 teaspoons if you don't do the chocolate chips and 3 teaspoons if you do.
If we had kids I know these would be kid approved. I hope you enjoy them. Comment below if you have any questions or need help substituting an ingredient or if you tried them!
Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Muffins
1 1/2 cups of Almond Butter
1/2 cup of Pure Maple Syrup
2 tsp. of Pure Vanilla Extract
2 Large Eggs
1/2 tsp. of baking soda - gluten free
Chocolate Chips (optional)
1. Preheat Oven to 350
2. lightly coat muffin tin OR use silicon muffin holders
3. Combine Almond Butter, Maple Syrup, Extract, Eggs, and Baking soda in a blender, blend till creamy and thick.
4. Evenly pour batter into muffin tins, fill half way up.
5. Add in a teaspoon or 2 of chocolate chips if adding them
6. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Muffins may be a little soft when coming out of the oven, but will continue to cook.
7. Cool.
8. Enjoy

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