Friday, October 9, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #47 - 2 Mistakes Made when Eating out

Mistakes We Make When Eating Out
Mistake #1
Did you know you’re bound to consume roughly 20% more “mindless” calories during a night out if you fail to call ahead than if you were to have a reservation? Weight loss research has shown exactly this.

And it makes sense. You’re hungry—that is, after all, why you’re at the restaurant. Not likely you’re going to just sit there for an hour. Instead, it’s much more likely that you’ll give in to the temptation of having a drink (or two) and partaking of an appetizer.

 Extra, needless calories that can simply be remedied with a little forethought.

Lesson #1 – Make a reservation or at least call ahead to cut down your “temptation” time.
Mistake #2

Did you know that if you pay with plastic you’ll likely spend more (and eat more) than if you settled your bill with cash? Research has also proved this. People spend, and subsequently eat, around 30% more when they pay via credit card. Simply put, when paying with money you’re borrowing, it’s very easy to lose track of how much you’re spending, and much easier to order that extra app, desert, or larger entrĂ©e.


Lesson #2 – Set a reasonable budget for your meal and carry cash to pay for it. It will force you to work within those limitations and you won’t easily overspend (and over-indulge).


Between the lessons learned from both of these studies, you just might save yourself from consuming a dreadful extra 50% in waist-expanding calories the next time you enjoy a night out on the town! 

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