Wednesday, October 7, 2015

You Were Made For More

You were made for more!
You were made for more.

There is a seed of greatness planted within you.

 Let your spirit shine.

Do you have self doubts? Do you not believe in yourself? Do you think you weren't meant for more?

Stop thinking those negative thoughts! You WERE made for MORE!! You were MADE to SHINE!!!

So who do you do that?

You need to BELIEVE in yourself! Believe that you CAN and you WILL accomplish all that you want in life.

Everyone of us was made for more. However, only few follow their hearts and dreams and go after what they were truly made for! Don't stay in your comfort zone forever. Step outside and do more! Be who you want to be and go after what you want! Don't let FEAR of Failing hold you back! Fail Forward!

Today, stop fearing the unknown and jump! Take that chance and go after what you truly want! Because you never know, you might just let your spirit shine BRIGHT!

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