Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Is it all a Scam?

Beachbody it's just another scam. It's just another fad diet! Shakeology doesn't work. The workouts are fake. Nobody can lose that much weight. It doesn't work. Shakeology is a rip off.

Those are a lot of things that not just myself hear, but other coaches hear too.

Wanna know something?!? I thought the same thing! I will never forget watching an infomercial of Hip Hop Abs and saying out loud, yeah that program is not going to give you abs, it's fake! I also thought the same thing with T25. I thought you can't get results like that in 25 minutes.

BUT I gave T25 a shot, not expecting anything but a cardio workout to help me maybe lose a pound or 2.

And guess what?!? I was in for a shock! T25 didn't just help me lose a pound or 2, it helped me lose 13 pounds! It gave me the 6 pack I NEVER had before and it gave me my confidence back! Plus it introduced me to a whole new world! A world where workouts actually worked and where I got to help others find the confidence I found!

Beachbody and their programs, like Tony Horton says in P90x, are real live DNA removal! You sweat! You get your butt handed to you! And you get results!

But doing it on your own is hard! And I know that I would not have stuck with T25 if it weren't for my challenge groups!

Challenge groups are where the magic happens! Challenge groups are where like minded individuals come together to support, motivate and keep each other accountable! I know it sounds funny and I thought, seriously how can a challenge group on FB work? But it does! These groups allow everyone to workout on THEIR time table. They allow everyone to have a safe place to come and ask questions and reach out for support when they need it most! Challenge groups aren't a bunch of strangers to me they are family!

If you have had doubts, if you don't think any of the programs or Shakeology work, rethink, try it! Don't let those thoughts stop you from these program and shakes. They work, I know first hand, I have seen it from my challengers and from my own family.

But if you are looking for a quick fix, if you are looking a magic pill, then Beachbody and Shakeology are not for you.

Beachbody and Shakeology are hard work, it's worth it but you are going to have to sweat and make sacrifices to get the results you want.

If you are ready to give it a try then lets talk! Fill out this application and lets getting talking to find the perfect program for you!

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