Monday, October 26, 2015

Recap of Phase 2 of P90X

As you all know, 8 weeks ago I started the P90x journey. One of my goals with being a Health and Fitness Coach is to do all the Programs that Beachbody comes out with and P90x was up next.

I just finished up with Phase 2 and Started phase 3 today! I started doing P90x without being 100% into the program and the workouts. I honestly wasn't excited for the longer workouts, and I just didn't have the drive or desire to do P90x. However, I committed to it and refused to quit, especially the first week and not giving it the chance it deserved. I mean SOOO many people RAVE about this program, I knew it had to be good, right?!? And I couldn't quit, because I honestly felt it working within the first few days. And now look at me! I am through Phase 1 and starting the middle of Phase 2 this week! The time is really flying by! And I am excited with the results I am seeing and feeling so far! I can't imagine what I will be seeing and feeling by the end!!

During P90x, I have continued to eat a WHOLE plant based diet! I have allowed myself a treat here and there, because the hubs, who is a football coach, likes to go out and celebrate when they Win, which seems to be only when they play at home!

Along with my eating whole plant-based foods I have upped my calories, because this is an intense program and the workouts are longer (45-90 minutes) Also the program guide called for it! The p90x book actually says I should be eating between 1800 - 2000 calories a day. To me that is a TON. However, I am eating any where from 1500 - 1900 a day, it really just depends on the meals I have planned out for the week. But to be honest with you, my calorie count is not something I am worrying about. My philosophy is if I am hungry then I will eat. Plus eating Whole Plant-Based foods makes me feel 100% better than I did when I was eating anything and everything.

So why am I continuing to follow a whole plant base diet? Well, in August, I did the Ultimate reset and after doing the reset, I felt TOO good to go back to the old ways of eating. Plus this way is soooo much fun! Its always something different and my husband, LOVES the plant base diet because there is always something new to try. Which I need to be honest with you, before we did the Ultimate Rest, I got lazy and we pretty much had the same thing every night for dinner. Doing this diet, I really didn't think I would be able to continue with it or with P90x. I thought I would have to give up one or the other. But I don't! I feel great!!

Also the middle of week 2 of Phase 1 I broke down and started using the Beachbody Performance Line (Pictured below). Why?!? Because this Line of products helps your body push harder, go longer, and recover faster! And guess what?!?! IT IS! I have more energy, feel great, am able to push harder, and recover faster!

So what am I taking and when?

I have energize (Pre-workout drink) before the workout, hydrate (drink that keeps your muscles hydrated) during the workout, chocolate protein recovery shake immediately after the workout! And at night 30-60 minutes before I go to bed I take the vanilla recharge shake!

I was honestly nervous to start these since they technically aren't PLANT BASED but they are seriously helping and they don't count as calories or containers because they are helping my body perform and recovery since I am doing a HIGH intensity and LONGER program.


It’s a performance-enhancing supplement system specifically designed to meet the demands of Beachbody’s world-class workouts. Now, you don’t have to let anything hold you back from getting the results you want. Beachbody Performance helps you overcome your fitness obstacles, whether it’s low energy, lack of focus, dehydration, exercise-induced muscle soreness, slow recovery, or poor workout performance. With Beachbody Performance, you can push yourself harder and last longer, which means you can get better results from your workouts—faster.

It’s an all-in-one system that can be used together or easily customized depending on your fitness goals or needs. There are 5 unique formulas—Energize, Hydrate, Recover, Recharge, and Creatine. Each serves a specific purpose, and when used as a system they work together to help you get:*

• More energy and endurance

• Better focus to push harder

• Less exercise-induced muscle soreness

• Faster recovery times


Beachbody® is committed to getting results. So when we set out to create workout supplements, we knew they had to outperform anything else on the market. Just as we revolutionized superfood nutrition with Shakeology®, we are determined to revolutionize your workout performance—and help you get the best health and fitness transformation of your life.

Beachbody Performance is the best because it’s:

• Developed by Harvard-trained scientists using cutting-edge sports science and nutrition research.

• Formulated with ingredients at clinically effective levels scientifically shown to make a difference in energy, focus, stamina, strength, and recovery.

• No gimmicky ingredients without proof that they work. Beachbody Performance is backed by evidence-based ingredients shown to help improve performance and recovery.
• No artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives.

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