Friday, January 8, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #58 - Tips and Tricks to help you not overeat

SO we all know that to lose weight you have to consume less calories than you burn per day. BUT you can also gain weight by NOT eating enough!

Obviously, this is easier said than done. BUT have no fear, I am going to give you 7 tips / tricks to help you not overeat and to not UNDER eat either.

1. Start every meal and snack with a glass or two of water. In some cases, the brain misinterprets thirst as hunger, so this habit will help you avoid eating when not necessary. In all cases, having some water sloshing in your stomach means less room for food.

2. Eat from healthiest first to least healthy last. For example, start your meal with the veggies, then move to the protein, and then move to the carbs. I have started to do this and have noticed that by the time I get to the carbs, I am getting full and can't eat them all.

3. Teach yourself to eat more slowly. THIS ONE IS HARD!!! I  taught for 8 years, and if you are a teacher you know you don't have time to eat slow and enjoy it. I still struggle with this one. BUT it is important to chew your food and eat slow so you can ENJOY it.

So teachers as hard as it might be Put down the fork and knife after each bite. Chew properly. Do not pick up the utensils until you have completely finished the bite. OR you can drink shakeology at lunch which you can still enjoy, drink slowly, and get work done. That was my KEY lunch the last year of my teaching.

4. Slow down by savoring the flavor during the first 5 bites. After your first bite – count to 10 before taking another bite. Repeat for the next few bites too. This is another hard one, but I am forming a better habit with this, or at least at dinner time!

5. Use small plates when serving yourself food. As silly as it may sound, you will put less food on the plate! And your tricking your mind to think there is WAY more food on there and so you will feel fuller sooner and with less food!

6. Plate your meal in the kitchen, but eat in the dining room. This way, you won’t be able to easily reach for seconds in a serving dish on the dining room table. Getting up for seconds is more challenging. Another thing I have started to do is only make enough for one serving for each my hubby and I. This way when its all its all and you aren't even thinking of getting up for seconds.

7. Hide your snacks. Don’t make it easy to open a package of potato chips or chocolate on a whim. Place them in the attic, garage, or somewhere else far from the kitchen. Better yet, buy less to begin with. Or if you are starting fresh, throw them out or give them away. Yes it might sound like wasting money, but DO IT. You will be glad you did!

Do you play mind tricks on yourself in order to stick with your weight loss plan? What are some tricks you play? I would love to hear new ones that I can try!

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