Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Life Changing! - A refletion of the past 2 years

While sitting at the airport reflecting on this past weekend and all I could think was SOMEON PLEASE pinch! 

Because I felt and still FELL like I am dreaming! 
Looking back two years ago, I never would have thought I would be where I am today, let alone traveling for my OWN business that I am growing. 
Two years ago I was a teacher and not much of a traveler (let alone one to travel by myself!). My job made me unhappy, I lost my passion, and lost my drive. 
I was looking for something new. I was searching the Internet for a new job, and not even teaching. I wanted something I could do anywhere, and to be my own boss. Honestly, I didn't even know what coaching was, I just was looking for a quick fix. And I couldn't find it!
Enter Summer of 2013. 
Sitting at a Bar with Rich, I was scrolling Facebook and I saw a Beachbody coach posting about T25. The program peeked my interest. I mean 25 minutes of cardio, how could it be possible?!? But at the same time, it was perfect for me as a teacher and someone that worked FULL time and traveled an hour to and from work daily! 
So I messaged this Beachbody coach. She told me what she was doing, and it got me to thinking. I have always loved helping others and have always been a self-starter. Nutrition was a passion of mine because I hace celiacs and have to find other alternatives to food!
So I jumped! I told this Beachbody coach to sign me up as a coach! 

Did I have a clue what I was doing? HECK no! But I was determined! I needed something else! I needed to get fit, I needed money, and I needed to find my passion again!
Enter Now. 
I went from a full time teacher and working Beachbody as a hobby, to a full time Independent Beachbody Coach, that no longer teaches. 
I went from a girl depressed, miserable, and desperately looking for something to give me passion To NOW a 3 star Premiere Diamond coach, who travels all over the country to work with other coaches, provide material to mentor my coaches, and grow my business.
This weekend I learned a lot, I met a lot of unbelievable human beings, and I have a lot of ACTIONS that I am taking back to my business and team! 
All I can think though is what if I never jumped? What if I never said what the heck! What if....
I can tell you what if...I would still be that miserable, depressed, desperate girl, looking for something more!

If you need a change. If you want to be a part of something BIGGER. Then email me at Lets talk about what coaching and Beachbody can do for you, your life, and your families life!



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