Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Product Review - Bio Freeze

Product Review - Bio Freeze
Let me tell you, this stuff is AMAZING!! It seriously is da bomb!!

 I am on Day 16 of Hammer and Chisel and this program is kicking my butt, but in a good way! Each day I wake up to different sore muscles and the last 2 days we have done 15 minute Hammer Legs on top of the workout! 


Needless to say, my glutes, hammies, and quads have been on FIRE!

And of course they have been HURTing all day, so I pulled out this baby and now my legs and butt don't hurt!

So what is this stuff?

Biofreeze products provide relief to countless arthritis sufferers. But the pain reliever's unique, cooling formulation is also comforting to sore muscles and muscle sprains; easing back, shoulder and neck pain; reducing painful ankle, knee, hip and elbow joints and helping to lessen effects of muscular strains.

If you are looking to get your hands on this amazing stuff, either check your local chiropractor or head on over to www.biofreeze.com to order some! Trust me it is worth the try!

Have you tried #biofreeze? If you haven't you should!! This stuff works! And this is the roller you can get a tub to put on with your hands but I prefer not to touch it. Haha that's just me though!

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