Friday, February 26, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #65 - 11 great reasons why lemons should be a part of your healthy diet

When life gives you lemons, don’t just make lemonade – eat them whole and fresh!!
Besides large amounts of vitamin C, lemons also contain riboflavin, thiamin, iron, magnesium, pantothenic acid, fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, copper, calcium and folate.
11 great reasons why lemons should be a part of your healthy diet:
Reason # 1: Free Radical Fighter
Vitamin C is the most important antioxidant found in nature. This vitamin neutralizes free radicals both inside and outside of cells. Free radicals are responsible for damaging cells and cellular membranes leading to inflammation, chronic disease and accelerated aging.
Free radicals can also damage blood vessels and alter cholesterol so that it builds up on artery walls. Vitamin C helps prevent this buildup, and consequently helps to stop the progression of atherosclerosis and heart disease in diabetics.

Reason # 2: Immune System Booster
When cold and flu season arrives, it is always a good idea to keep a bag of fresh lemons handy. The citric acid, bioflavonoids, vitamin C, calcium, pectin and limonene do a great job of boosting your immune system and keeping infections at bay.
Reason # 3: Cancer Protection
Lemons contain 22 anti-cancer compounds including limonene – an oil that has been shown to halt the growth of cancer tumors in animals. In addition they also contain flavonol glycosides, which stop the division of cancer cells.
A 2005 study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that limonoids in citrus fruits protect cells from damage that can lead to cancer. Another study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry stated that limonoids can inhibit tumors in the mouth and stop the growth of cancer cells once a tumor has formed.
Reason # 4: pH Balance
Lemons are considered one of the most alkalizing foods you can eat. This may seem counterintuitive, as they are acidic on their own. However, in the body, lemons are alkaline; the citric acid does not create acidity once it has been metabolized.
The minerals in lemons actually help to alkalize the blood. Most people are too acidic, and lemons reduce overall acidity, drawing uric acid from the joints. This reduces the pain and inflammation which many people feel.
Reason # 5: Oxygen Uptake
Lemons have a purer concentration of negatively charged ions than any other fruit. Pierce J. Howard, PhD, author of The Owners Manual for the Brain; Everyday Applications from Mind Brain Research, says, “negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy. They also may protect against germs in the air.” The first man to reach the top of Mount Everest, Sir Edmund Hillary, said that he attributed much of his success to lemons!
LEMON FACT: One lemon tree can produce up to 600 pounds of lemons in a year.
Reason # 6: Fiber
Most people fall far short of the 20 to 38 grams of fiber recommended daily. Without proper fiber, however, you can easily become constipated or develop hemorrhoids. Consuming adequate fiber has been shown to reduce the risk of developing health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and diverticulitis.
In fact, the American Diabetes Association includes lemons on their list of superfoods because of their high fiber content. In addition, the pectin fiber in lemons can help keep you from getting hungry and overeating.
Reason # 7: Mood and Energy
Have you ever gotten up on the “wrong side of the bed?” If you are often lethargic and cranky in the morning, or any time of the day, for that matter, you may want to consider munching on a lemon.
Our energy comes from atoms and molecules in our food. When positively charged atoms flood the digestive tract and mingle with those that are negatively charged, a positive reaction occurs.
Lemons contain more negatively charged ions than positive ions, which gives you a boost as the lemon enters your digestive tract. Just the scent alone of lemons can improve your mood and elevate your energy levels. Lemons also promote clear thinking and help reduce anxiety and depression.
 Try This: Rubbing a lemon on your lips before bed and washing it off in the morning will help remove dead skin cells and make your lips soft.
 Reason # 8: Digestive Health
Your body works hard to digest all that you give it. Lemon juice helps flush away unwanted materials and toxins left from the digestive process. Because lemon juice is similar in atomic composition to digestive juices and saliva, it does a great job breaking down material and encouraging the liver to produce bile.
Reason # 9: Clear Skin
Sometimes we forget that the key to clear and beautiful skin starts with great nutrition. Thanks to the vitamin C in lemons, these little citrus fruits can help decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemons help to push toxins from the body and support healthy liver function, which also keeps skin clear and supple.
Reason #10: Kidney Stones
When you don’t have enough citrate in your urine, you are at an increased risk of developing kidney stones. Eating lemons on a regular basis can help raise the citrate levels in your urine, and may prevent stones from forming by coating very small stones and keeping other material from attaching to the small stones and enlarging them.
Reason #11: Blood Pressure
Lemons are high in potassium, which is an important mineral that helps to keep blood vessels soft and flexible. This, in turn, helps to reduce high blood pressure. The vitamin B in lemons is also beneficial to heart health.
What is the difference between real lemons and bottled lemon juice?
Real lemons contain about 139 percent vitamin C, while bottled juice contains 100 percent of the daily value. The calcium content in real lemons is seven percent, while in bottled juice it is three percent. In addition, bottled lemon juice may also contain fructose and other dangerous additives.
Lemon buying tips
As lemons ripen, their antioxidant powers increase. Choose lemons when they are ripe. Lemons with thinner skin will have more juice than those with thicker skin, and the heavier a lemon is, the more juice it contains. Don’t buy lemons that are wrinkled or dull in color.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Banana Protein Oatmeal Bread - GLUTEN FREE and VEGAN Friendly

Healthy Baked Banana Protein Oatmeal Bread

I don't know about you but I LOVE homemade bread. I don't eat it often nor do I make it often because when I do, I eat the whole thing in less than 2 days.
However, this recipe is easy! You don't need a bread maker, its lite, and it only has 4-6 servings so it doesn't last long and I am not eating a lot.
My favorite topping for it is of course Almond Butter! I love that stuff! Plus with the banana flavor it just makes for the perfect topping.


serves 4-6

low fat, gluten free, high protein, clean eating friendly, refined sugar free


1 cup gluten free rolled oats or gluten free quick oats
1/2 cup protein powder
1 tsp baking powder
2 medium bananas, mashed (just over a cup mashed)
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup or 4 large) egg whites
1 cup milk of your choice (we use unsweetened almond)
Optional: choc chips/nuts/spices of your choice


Preheat oven to 350F

Grease and/or line a 8" square or round tin and set aside

Mash your banana in a medium mixing bowl and add in all of your other ingredients, mixing until combined.

Pour your oatmeal mix into your baking dish and bake for 20-35 minutes, or until cooked through.

Once baked, allow to cool slightly before cutting and serving. I actually like mine cold so I usually pop the whole batch in the fridge once it's cool and then slice it in the morning.

This will keep for 2-3 days in the fridge or can be frozen in slices in individual zip lock or freezer bags and then defrosted as needed (I just take one out the night before and leave it in the fridge and it's ready to go in the morning!)

Top with nut butter, eat as is or serve however you fancy!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tagalongs - Gluten Free and Vegan!

For all my #glutenfree #vegan friends that LOVE Girl Scout Cookies but can't have them!

 Gluten-Free Girl Scout Cookies say what! When I was younger I was a girl scout and my 2 absolute favorite Girl Scout cookies that I LOVED were tagalongs and samoas! Of course the anything chocolate PB right?!?!

There are a MUST make even if you aren't gluen free or vegan! They are amazing and DELICIOUS!!!

 Serves: 12 cookies


Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookie Base
½ cup creamy peanut butter
⅓ cup almond flour
¼ teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cornstarch or arrowroot powder
3 teaspoons honey
½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 egg white

Peanut Butter Filling
½ cup creamy peanut butter
2 Tablespoons honey

Chocolate Coating
3 ounces dark chocolate or use Enjoy Life for dairy free
Peanut Butter Drizzle
¼ cup creamy peanut butter


Preheat oven to 350° F
Mix all ingredients for cookie base in a medium sized mixing bowl

Using a cookie scoop, place cookies on parchment prepared cookie sheet.

Flatten each cookie ball with hand to about 2 inches diameter and ¼ inch thick. Should make 10-12 cookies
Bake for 8-10 minutes.

In a small bowl mix together your peanut butter filling ingredients together. Scoop ½ Tablespoon onto each cookie. Place cookies into the freezer on cookie sheet with parchment paper for 15-20 minutes.
Meanwhile prepare a double boiler system and begin melting your dark chocolate.

Take cookies out of the freezer. Spoon a Tablespoon over each cookie until it is chocolate covered. Place chocolate covered cookies back into the freezer to harden.

Continue with the double boiler system
Melt the peanut butter for about 2 minutes until it thins out.

Remove hardened chocolate cookies from freezer and drizzle peanut butter with a spoon over them.

Allow 10 minutes for the peanut butter to harden before moving them.
Store in a airtight container.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Product Review - Nutritional Yeast - This stuff is GENIOUS!!!

Nutritional Yeast

I have been getting a lot of questions about Nutritional Yeast and what is it.


So I wanted to share with you, what exactly it is. 

It's yeast flakes that are #VEGAN, #GLUTENFREE, #GMO FREE, #KOSHER and more!! 

It has a strong flavor that I would described as cheesy or creamy. Hence why I use it to replace cheese! 

I use it to make Mac and cheese, pizza, chili, nachos, spaghetti, salads, etc.

I absolutely LOVE this stuff and am so glad I was introduced to it in Darin Orliens Book, "SuperLife." 

You can honestly, use this stuff in any recipe to replace cheese! 

Where do you get it? Natural food stores, trader joes, whole foods, or the cheapest I have seen it is online at Thrive Marketplace! 

Even if you aren't gluten free or vegan, this stuff is a must in your house! It will give you the cheese flavor with out having to make you splurge on a lot of cheese! 

Trust me! I was a cheese addict all my life before being diagnosed with celaics! Now cheese hurts my tummy, so I try to stay away from it. And Nutritional Yeast has made it even easier!!

Monday, February 22, 2016

New Recipe - Cheesy Cauliflower Breadsticks


 Serves: 8


4 cups of riced cauliflower (about 1 large head of cauliflower)
4 eggs
2 cups of mozzarella cheese (I use Nutritional Yeast for Dairy Free Option)
3 tsp oregano
4 cloves garlic, minced
salt and pepper to taste
1 to 2 cups mozzarella cheese (Again I used Nutritional Yeast for Dairy Free Option)


Preheat oven to 425 F degrees. Prepare 2 pizza dishes or a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
Make sure your cauliflower is roughly chopped in florets. Add the florets to your food processor and pulse until cauliflower resembles rice.

Place the cauliflower in a microwavable container and cover with lid. Microwave for 10 minutes. Place the microwaved cauliflower in a large bowl and add the 4 eggs, 2 cups of mozzarella,oregano, garlic and salt and pepper. Mix everything together.

Separate the mixture in half and place each half onto the prepared baking sheets and shape into either a pizza crust, or a rectangular shape for the breadsticks.

Bake the crust (no topping yet) for about 25 minutes or until nice and golden. Don't be afraid the crust is not soggy at all. Once golden, sprinkle with remaining mozzarella cheese and put back in the oven for another 5 minutes or until cheese has melted.

Slice and serve.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #64 - 17 Ways to use Epsom Salt

17 Ways to use Epsom Salt

1. Soothe sore muscles

An Epsom salt bath is a great way to soothe sore muscles, cramps, bruises and joint pain. Because of this, it is a great after-workout soak. In addition, soaking in an Epsom salt bath is a wonderful way to relax and relieve stress. Add 2 cups of salts to a warm bath. Mix the salt in so it dissolves in the water. Soak for 10-15 minutes for best results.

2. Exfoliate skin

As we shed our skin naturally, the buildup of dead skin cells clogs pores and can cause blemishes. Exfoliation is necessary to keep skin healthy, glowing and vibrant. The best way to exfoliate with Epsom salts is to massage handfuls all over the body in the shower or bath. Your skin will feel soft and fresh with this homemade spa treatment.

3. Homemade hand wash

Mix ½ cup of baby oil with ½ cup of water, and add ¼ cup of Epsom salts and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Set this homemade mixture next to your sink for a nice bathroom hand wash.
4. Treat insect bites and poison ivy

A compress made with Epsom salts is a great way to treat mosquito bites, bee stings and poison ivy. Mix 2 tablespoons of salts with 1 cup of warm water. Soak a clean cloth in the mixture and hold on affected area to remove pain, burning and itching.

5. Clean your face

Your face need to be cleaned and exfoliated just like the rest of your body. Put a teaspoon of Epsom salts in your hand and mix with a little warm water. Scrub your face with the mixture then rinse clean. This facial cleaner not only exfoliates and rejuvenates but also helps remove blackheads and prevent acne.

6. Remove splinters

Splinters can be tricky and painful to remove. Skip the needles and soak your splintered skin in an Epsom salt bath. The salts will draw the splinter out and leave the area clean.
7. Lip balm

Dry, flakey, cracking lips are not only unsightly but also painful. Heal this uncomfortable condition with a homemade Epsom salt lip balm. Mix equal parts organic coconut oil and Epsom salts. Apply to lips generously to exfoliate and moisturize.

8. Tile cleaner

Bathroom and kitchen tile grime can be difficult to clean. Powerful tile cleaners are not only expensive, but also often contain harmful chemicals. Make your own hard-working natural Epsom salt tile scrub. Mix equal parts liquid dish soap with epsom salts. Scrub onto tiles with a sponge and rinse clean with water.

9. Insect killer

Mix ¼ cup of Epsom salts with 2 cups of water and place in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture around your home and garden to safely deter insects without the use of chemical insecticides.
10. Relieve constipation

Epsom salts are a great way to relieve constipation. Mix 2 teaspoons of Epsom salts in a glass of water. Drink entire cup for best results. If the taste is not appealing to you, try mixing with fresh juice instead.

11. Fertilize your lawn and plants

Epsom salts make a wonderful fertilizer for your lawn and potted plants. For greener grass, mix 1 cup of the salts for every gallon of water and spray over lawn area. To fertilize potted plants, simply sprinkle Epsom salts around the base of the plants once every week. This method of fertilizing also works great for tomatoes and other veggies.

12. Draw out toxins and reduce swelling

An Epsom salt bath is a wonderful way to draw toxins out of your body. Soaking in a bath for 10-15 minutes is also a great way to reduce swelling. Mix 1-2 cups of Epsom salts in a warm bath and mix to dissolve in water.
13. Boost your laundry

Epsom salts combined with a little essential oil makes a perfect fabric softener for your laundry. In addition, the salts will help remove detergent buildup from your washer. Mix 4 cups epsom salts with 20 drops of your favorite essential oil. Add ¼ cup to each load of laundry.

14. Kill foot fungus and remove odor

Soaking your feet in Epsom salts not only reduces swelling and draws out toxins, but also zaps odors and foot fungus. Add ¼ cup to a large container of warm water. Soak feet for 10-15 minutes.

15. Sunburn treatment

Soaking in an Epsom salt bath is a great way to soothe skin irritated by sunburn. Mix 1 cup of salts in warm bath water. Mix to combine and soak in the bath for 10-15 minutes.
16. Hair conditioner

Epsom salts make a great deep conditioner to add volume and remove grease from your hair. Combine equal parts of organic hair conditioner and Epsom salts and apply liberally to hair. Let sit for 20 minutes, then rinse clean.

17. Soften your hands

You know that soaking your feet in epsom salts is healthy, but what about your hands? Soaking your hands is a great way to soothe rough skin, calm aching finger joints, remove nail polish and remove any dirt from under your nails. Add 1/4 cup of Epsom salts to a large bowl of warm water. Soak hands in mixture for 5-10 minutes.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Calling All Teachers and Professional Helpers

Are you a teacher who is tired of working long hours and not having any time for your family?

Do you love to help others but, sick of working and going the extra mile, just to be able to pay the bills?

Well then please keep reading because I am about to share with you something that has forever changed my life.
After working as a Teacher for 8 years and completing my masters in special education, I was tired and unhappy. I love the career that I chose but, I wanted more flexibility and time. 
I was getting ready to get married, start a family, and I wanted to create a life, that I could be there for my kids. 

So I decided to branch out and become a health and fitness coach.  I not only got myself in shape  and ready for my wedding, but, also HELP others do the same thing! As teachers we have a natural desire to help others but, I have found a way that allows me to have more time and freedom.

I started this business 2 years ago and the past year have been in the TOP 300 of over 400,000 coaches in all of Beachbody. And we are a 2015 PREMIERE team! Our team is FULL of teachers, moms, full time professionals that are thriving, working towards leaving their jobs and working for themselves. We have complete freedom of time, income, and get to do what we love--- HELP OTHERS!!

Here is what I am looking for:
- those that like to help others
- teachers, teachers aids, principals, health coaches, and nurses that want to focus on health and fitness while working from home.
- Fitness trainers and Fitness Professionals that want to grow a business using an international company as a platform.
- Individuals that are DRIVEN, PASSIONATE,  TEACHABLE and want to be that change in the life of another.
- you do not need to be in shape or have a “Beach” body BUT, you must commit to being the healthiest version of you in 2016.
I have a BRAND NEW TRAINING and looking for 15 individuals that believe they can be that person to help another succeed and Hungry to get more out of life!!

How this will work:

You will learn from me. A PREMIERE coach, and what I do with my business. I will walk you through everything step by step and mentor you 1:1.

You will be focus on your health and fitness along with your personal growth.

You will also get:

----- Exclusive Access to my new coach training program.
----- weekly new coach basics calls
-----Weekly Team Calls
-----Incentives for hitting certain goals in your business such as vacations, bonuses, etc.


The application process is starting now and I am looking for 15 individuals that truly want to SUCCEED!!


or post your email below and I will be in touch with you shortly so we can arrange a time to chat 

IF you have been thinking of health + fitness coaching--- the time is NOW!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

NEW RECIPE!!! Loaded Sweet Potato Skins!!!

Loaded Sweet Potato Skins

Not long ago, if we would go out to eat, I would order loaded bake potato skins! I LOVE these things! And yes I know they aren't the best for you and aren't guaranteed gluten free when you order them at a restaurant. BUT, I didn't care back then, I would order them and eat them all myself! CRAZY!!

But now, I know better and even though these are healthier, I still use them as a treat meal, because lets be real, I can't portion these out and just eat 1! haha

So how did I make them?!?

Here you go. Oh and they make great appetizers for gatherings and the recipe is easy to double and triple

Yield: 8 potato skins


4 medium sweet potatoes
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1/4 cup almond milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
ground pepper, to taste
1 cup shredded cheese (or Nutritional Yeast)
4 strips of Turkey bacon, cooked until crispy, and crumbled
Greek Yogurt and chopped chives for serving


Preheat oven to 400F degrees. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. Pierce each sweet potato a few times and bake for 40-50 minutes or until soft.

Allow the potatoes to cool slightly. Slice potatoes in half lengthwise.

Reduce oven temperature to 375F degrees. Scoop out sweet potato flesh, leaving a thin layer of sweet potato inside, and add flesh to a medium bowl. Place skins back on the baking sheet face up, drizzle with olive oil and bake for 10 minutes.

Mash the sweet potato flesh with milk, salt, and pepper until smooth and creamy. After 10 minutes, remove the skins from the oven. Fill each with an equal amount of mashed sweet potato and top each with cheese. Bake for 15 minutes until the cheese is melted. Remove from the oven and top with bacon. Serve with sour cream and chopped chives, if desired.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

New Recipe!!! Spaghetti Squash Carbonara

Spaghetti Squash Carbonara

We all know I love my spaghetti squash so here is another interesting recipe. Not a big fan of it, but I am not a fan of eggs either. But I wanted to share it with you so that you could decide for yourself. I love how there are so many ways that you can make this squash and ESPCIALLY that it takes the place of noodles for all of us GLUTEN FREE friends!


1 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt, divided
1 1/4 teaspoons fresh cracked black pepper
1 large spaghetti squash (about 2 pounds)
4 slices TURKEY bacon, cut into small strips crosswise
2 teaspoons minced garlic
1/4 cup Organic chicken or Vegetable  broth
2 egg yolks plus 1 whole egg
1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese OR Nutritional Yeast (which is what I use)


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Prick the squash all over with a fork. 

Sprinkle with 1/2 tsp salt and 3/4 tsp. pepper.

Roast on a foil lined pan  1 to 1 1/2 hours. (I did 60 mins but would go longer next time) 

Let cool a bit. 

Slice in half lengthwise, scoop out seeds and shred the squash with a fork. 
Transfer to a large bowl.

In a large saute pan, over medium heat, cook the bacon until it becomes crispy. 

Add the garlic. Saute for 1 minute.

Add the broth and cook until the liquid has completely evaporated.

In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs together with the cheese.

Season with the remaining salt and pepper.

Combine the eggs with the bacon mixture, warming the eggs in the pan. (Do not let the eggs cook through.)

Add the spaghetti squash and toss to thoroughly combine and until squash is heated through.

Adjust seasoning, if necessary and serve immediately.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Sparkle for Summer Group is now FORMING!!!

Are you ready for summer?


I am looking for 10 women who are ready to GET FIT!

 It's time to SPARKLE for summer and learn that a healthy lifestyle can be YOUR LIFESTYLE!

Choose from FOUR programs all at a promotional price depending on your goals and fitness level.

 I'll offer support in
*meal planning
*recipe inspiration
*exercise motivation
* a convenient meal is included

and more!!!

We start March 1st!!

This is your chance!

Spots are filling up fast! Reserve your spot today!! Email me at,  fill out this questionnaire, or click this link to purchase:
Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to FEEL and LOOK your best this summer!  

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Valentines Day Special!

It's Valentines Day weekend. And it's a weekend of love! 
So why not share with you my love of health and fitness.
I want to make this weekend a Special one for you or just add to the specialness of your weekend! 
I am running a Valentines Day weekend special for 9 people ONLY!!! 
I mean Who doesn't love specials!!! 
For the NEXT 9 people that order a Fitness Package (Shakeology + a program) from me AND sign up as a preferred customer will receive one of the items pictured below! 
Email me at or fill out this application BEFORE 11:59 PM Sunday night to take advantage of this special! .(First ones will get to pick the gift they want).

Friday, February 12, 2016

Heath and Fitness Tip #63 - 4 More Herbs That Detox Your Body Naturally

4 MORE Herbs That Detox Your Body Naturally
It is ALWAYS the perfect time of year to cleanse your body of unwanted toxins and get rid of the excess waste and heaviness that may be bogging you down.
Feeling fatigued, bloated, lacking energy, experiencing hormonal imbalances or skin disorders can all be attributed to an overburdened liver.
There are many beneficial herbs that are incredibly detoxifying and help to support the liver and kidneys in flushing waste from the body. Many of these can be found right outside your door and in the garden!
Here are 4 MORE detoxifying herbs you can include during the spring that help to eliminate toxic buildup from your system and renew your health.
5. Cilantro
This strong-tasting herb is most often used to chelate heavy metals like mercury from the body. You can enjoy it in salads, soups, smoothies or fresh-pressed juices. You can also find this available in tincture form, but do consult with an herbalist before taking it, as it can be quite potent and strong. A heavy metal detox does require guidance and support.

6. Ground Ivy
Speaking of heavy metal detoxers, ground ivy is great for removing lead and other heavy metals, making it a valuable herb to include in a detox formula. This herb is also a great diuretic, helping to eliminate waste and toxins from the kidneys.
7. Milk Thistle
This herb is most widely used for liver detoxification and is readily available. Milk thistle can help to regenerate liver cells and provides vital nutrients for the liver in helping it to expel toxins and metabolic waste. It also helps to produce bile, which assists in supporting digestion.
8. Neem
This wonder herb is commonly found in natural dental products due to its antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiseptic properties, making it a great addition to any detoxification regime. Neem is also great at purifying the blood and helping to rid the body of unwanted metabolic waste.
Detoxification can be an intense process. Be sure to start out with the right support and guidance and with small doses. Teas are gentle and can be a great supplement for anyone wanting to start a detox protocol.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

New Recipe - Mac and Cheese - Gluten FREE and Dairy FREE

Mac and Cheese - Gluten FREE and Dairy FREE

OMG!!! Can I jus tell you how AMAZING this was!!! I know you probably had the same thought I did when thinking Mac and Chesse - She just made noodels that were gluten free, used almond milk, and a vegan / Dairy free cheese!

But I didn't!

I used quinoa, coconut oil, and nutritional yeast! And HONESTLY, it tasted JUST like mac n cheese that you make homemade and from a box!  
It not only tasted like mac and cheese but it SMELLED like it too. I
The mac and cheese is also hubby approved and will definitely be made more often!
This is the perfect comfort food / bring me back to my kid days meal!! I loved it! And I Seriously can't wait to make it again!
So what did I do? How did I make them?

"Cheezy" Quinoa AKA Mac and Cheese Recipe!


1 cup COOKED quinoa
1/2 tsp Pink Himalayan Salt
1 TBSP Coconut Oil
1 TBSP Coconut Amino Acids
1 TBSP Nutritional Yeast


1. Cook 1/2 cup of Quinoa to make a CUP of cooked Quinoa (follow direction on back of bag)
2. Once Quinoa is cooked transfer to bowl
3. Add TBSP of Coconut Oil
4. Add 1/2 tsp salt
5. Add TBSP of Coconut Amino Acids
6. Top with 1 TBSP of Nutritional Yeast
7. Mix well together
8. Enjoy!

If you are following the 21 day fix, hammer and chisel, or 21 Day fix extreme - this equals 2 yellow, 3 tsp, 1 blue, and 1 orange


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

NEW RECIPE - Meatless Chicken Nuggets!!!

Chickpea Nuggets
OMG!!! Can I jus tell you how AMAZING these were!!! I know you probably had the same though I did when thinking that chickpeas could make good nuggets! But they do. I mean seriously if Black Beans can make delicious burgers why can't chickpeas make delicious chicken nuggets!
Not only did they taste like chicken nuggets but they SMELLED like them while cooking. I was nervous making them especially since I had no clue what they were going to turn out like, but we were getting board with our usual's so I thought why not switch it up! I am SOOOO glad I did!
These nuggets were hubby approved and will definitely be made more often! Oh and we had them with Mac and Cheese - which will be tomorrows recipe! (Gluten FREE, VEGAN, Dairy FREE)
This was the perfect comfort food / bring me back to my kid days meal!! I loved it! And I Seriously can't wait to make them again!
So what did I do? How did I make them?
•1 15.5 oz. can chickpeas, drained
•1/4 tsp salt
•½ tsp garlic powder
•1 Tbsp nutritional yeast
•1 Tbsp almond flour
•⅓ cup almond flour

1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2.Pour the drained chickpeas into a food processor and process for a few seconds.
3.Then add all of the other ingredients except the last ⅓ cup almond flour for coating. Process a few more seconds. Everything will be well mixed and chunky texture.
4.Scoop up teaspoon sized globs and roll them into balls then smash them into nugget shape.
5.Pour almond flour into a bowl and coat each nugget with the almond flour
6.Cover a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Lay each nugget on the parchment but don't let them touch.
7.Bake for 20 minutes, then flip and bake for 10 more.
8.Allow nuggets to cool before eating.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Shakeology vs. Isagenix

I just want to state this a COMPARISON post. I would never give false information. ALSO I am NOT bashing any products and would not write something up if I have not had the experience. So with that being said let me tell you my story.....

In March of 2013 my husband and I were introduced to Isagenix as a weight loss shake and a way to get us the goals we were searching for but not seeing. We tried it, liked it, and continued with it until August of 2013.

Enter Shakeology....

I was introduced to T25 and Shakeology from an old high school friend on FB. I saw her posting about T25 and thought heck 25 minutes a day is perfect for me. I can still lift in the morning and do cardio after school (teaching). I use to run but couldn't stand the pounding on my knees and how long it took to get a 6 miles in (I was a slow runner). I missed my cardio and was looking for something to put back in to my routine, so when I saw T25 I was game to try something, even if it was a HOME based workout program.

I ordered it alone! No shakeology nothing. However, seeing this girl post about it, I started to do my research and found that it was actually healthier and had more super foods in it then Isagenix. However, my husband kept saying why fix something that isn't broken. Well needless to say, I jumped on her, Shakeology 10 Day Challenge group and got 10 packets of shakeology to try.

And I was HOOKED!!! I had so much more energy, I liked the way it tasted better, I liked how I could add frozen fruit or unsweetened almond milk to it. I loved how versatile it was! So I switched, cold turkey! I gave the rest of my Isagenix to my husband and I started ordering Shakeology, that is also when I signed up to become an Independent Beachbody Coach.

So below is my comparison of the 2 shakes. I have tried both for 6+ months. Once again this is just a comparison, my opinion of the 2 and I want you to know why I do shakeology and how I felt on both. Please also take note that I have not drank Isagenix since July of 2013 so its been over 2 years.

The Isagenix meal replacement shake comes in two flavors; chocolate and vanilla. Isagenix provides 23 grams of protein per serving and contains many naturally occurring ingredients.

Isagenix contains 1100% more fat than Shakeology (6 grams of fat compared to less than half a gram in Shakeology). Additionally, Isagenix contains more cholesterol, sodium, and overall calories per serving. Shakeology contains anywhere from 130 - 170 calories per serving compared to 240 calories per serving.

Isagenix also lacks the potency of the vitamins and minerals contained within Shakeology; for example Isagenix only has 40% of the daily recommended allowance of Vitamin C versus 300% in Shakeology. Isagenix lacks vitamins such as B1, B2, and B3; all contained within Shakeology. You have to drink 2 to 4 Isagneix shakes to get the same concerntraion of vitamins and minerals found in just 1 serving of Shakeology.

Isagenix Isalean Shake price…… Each canister costs $ 50.00 and contains a 14 day supply therefore for one month you will need approximately two canisters for a total cost $100.00 plus shipping. Isagenix does offer a 30 day money back guarantee; however, I do not know if they offer a bottom of the bag money back guarantee like Shakeology does!

Isagenix is a whey protein shake and does not offer a Vegan Shake without the Dairy protein. Isagenix also in my experience, does not help with cravings or give you energy like you get from Shakeology.
Also Isagenix did not help regulate me, unfortunately it did the opposite and made me constipated because of the wehy and dairy in it. Which lead to me feeling bloated and disgusting.

Now Shakeology on the other hand…

Shakeology contains 70 of the healthiest and most nutritious foods from across the globe; and they really mean from across the globe! Darin Olien, teamed up with Beachbody to scour the ends of the earth in search of the best ingredients. I am not quite sure I have ever seen a group of people so dedicated to bringing “the best stuff on earth” to our door step!

Shakeology falls at a 24 on the Glycemic Index Scale which is really good news! Foods that are high on the Glycemic Index Scale such as pizza, bagels, ice cream, corn syrup, and mashed potatoes rapidly increase blood sugar and insulin levels. Research indicates that these are contributors to weight gain, diabetes, coronary artery disease, and the good old “energy crash” that many of us experience just after our lunch hour. However, foods that are low on the Glycemic Index Scale such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and of course Shakeology provide a slow sustained release of energy that allows us to avoid the “energy crashing” effect.

So what exactly is in Shakeology that helps do all these wonderful things? Well Shakeology contains protein and essential amino acids that help us build muscle while also reducing food cravings. The prebiotics and digestive enzymes assist us in improving digestion, regularity, and nutrient absorption. The antioxidants and phytonutrients help counteract “free radical damage” that is often associated with degenerative diseases. And last but not least, Shakeology contains our daily dose of vitamins and minerals which provides our body’s with everything that we need to function at our own personal optimal health levels.

So what about price? A one month supply of Shakeology costs $129.95 for 5 regular flavors chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, greenberry, CafĂ© Latte. And 2 Vegan Flavors of Tropical Strawberry or Chocolate vegan. And you can save on monthly shipping costs by choosing the Home Direct option. And best of all Shakeology offers a BOTTOM of the BAG money back GUARENTEE! That means you can use the ENTIRE bag and if you are not completely satisfied you can return the empty bag for a full refund NO QUESTIONS ASKED!

I am not trying to sell you one way or the other. This is just a comparison from my stand point. A girl that has tried both shakes, did both shakes for months, and fell in love with Shakeology over Isagenix. You might think that I have to love it because of being an Independent Beachbody Coach, but I can HONESTLY, tell you this. I don't tell people to spend the money if it isn't good. I have celiac's and this shake has been an amazing addition in my life because of the lack of  FOOD and NUTRITENTS I wasn't getting.