Wednesday, February 3, 2016

My Transformation Story

Transformation Story

 Today isn't your typical transformation post with a program that I have done. Today I want to talk about my personal transformation.

The picture to the left is a girl that was insecure and LACKED any and all confidence. She was a day dreamer and someone that was very uninteresting. She was a COMPLETE introvert. Leave her be and she was content being by herself. This girl had no desire to meet a guy, because she didn't think she was worthy.

The picture on the right is a girl that is confident, sure of herself, a go getter, a dream follower. This girl has grown to be social, not an extrovert, but not a leave me be, I am content alone girl. This girl KNOWS she is worthy and very lucky to have found her soulmate.

So how did she do it? Honestly, with personal development. Reading books like Failing Forward, Think and Grow Rich, Start with Why, Eat that Frog, Slight Edge, and many more Have helped me grow confident as a leader, as a coach, as a wife, as a human being. They have taught me how to think outside the box, how to fail forward and not give up because a goal hadn't been reached. They have taught me that I AM special. That I AM worthy.

I use to think Personal Development books were boring, a joke, and a waste of my time. But thanks to Beachbody and it being one of their #vitalbehaviors, it has changed not just my outlook on these books, but on my life!

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