Monday, March 28, 2016

22 Minute Hard Corps - Day 1

22 Minute Hard Corps
Happy Monday! Today I started Beachbody's brand NEW program, 22 Minute Hard Corps. And today was Cardio 1 and Core 1! 
This program after day 1 is amazing!! In literally 22 minutes I was drenched in sweat!! It's a great cardio workout that you do 7 moves and repeat 3 cycles but always doing a different number! 
And you do get a break in-between each cycle for 22 seconds! 
The Core 1 which was optional to do, was under 10 minutes. It was 11 moves with 11 reps of each move. And the moves weren't easy! My core was on fire by the end of the core program.

So besides this program LITERALLY being 22 minutes long, what else is so great about it?!?!

Well one its done by the creator of P90x but it is NOTHING like P90X, it's a BOOTCAMP style workout that takes place on military bases!

This is Tony Horton's FIRST program that is not related to or is in the P90x series!!!

And with that, it means the program is NOT 90 days but is a 60 day program.

And trust me when I say that this program will give you P90x results but in just 22 minutes instead of 60!!

This program is for EVERYONE!!! Yes it's a BOOTCAMP style workout but it has modifiers! So anyone can do this program!!

So why do I think you will LOVE this program?!?

1. The meal plan is VERY simple to follow!
2. The workouts REALLY are 22 minutes!
3. You get a SANDBAG to throw around!
4. And Tony Horton kicks your butt with NEW MILITARY-INSPIRED moves!

Meal Plan - What's it like?!?

I have to admit I was a little weary of the meal plan when I first got this program, BUT I have been doing it for a week now, yes I implemented it first, and I must say I love it!

It aligns with the 21 Day Fix and the containers, but he gives you the container colors to eat for breakfast, snack, shakeology snack, lunch, and dinner.

NOW don't worry if you can't eat all that at once or you want to split meals up more, etc. You can do that. Tony is just trying to make it EVEN more simply than the 21 Day Fix is. He is making it thoughtless. PLUS his main goal is to have you eat ALL your yellows / carbs before dinner.

WHY?!?! Think about it, if you have a 9-5 job then you are moving around all morning and afternoon, but by the time you get home, spend time with the kids, eat dinner, you start to relax, watch T.V. etc. So you are less likely to burn the carbs off at night than you are during the day.

Honestly, that was the hardest switch for Rich and I to make, but we did it and we love  it. Because by the time we eat (6:30) we are winding down and not as active as we were during the day!

So interested?!? I am forming my test group now and it is filling up fast!! I only have 4 spots open!

Want to join? Fill out this application and I will send you the link!

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