Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Motivational Wednesday - Consistency!

Everyone wants to know the BIG secret!!

So what is the secret to weight loss? To Healthy eating? To Happiness? 
That's the secret! 
There is no magic pill to take to lose 10 pounds in 1 day. There is no magic trick to do start eating healthy. There is no magic potion to happiness! 
The magic is consistency! It's doing that workout and eating clean even on the days you just don't want to! 
The magic is believing in yourself! It's believing that you WILL reach a goal by a certain date not matter what it takes!! 
The magic is the hard work and dedication that YOU are willing to put in day after day to get the results that you WANT! It's not giving up when you hit a bump in the road or fall to temptation! 
The magic is when you get back! When you keep going and keep fighting! 
The magic is when you put your blinders up and head down and focus SOLELY on yourself! 
Today believe! Believe in the magic of consistency and hard work! Believe that you CAN and WILL be consistent! Believe you WILL reach those goals! 
Because guess what?!? 
All you have to do is workout, eat clean, smile, and repeat the process ONE DAY at a time!

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