Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Motivational Wednesday

You don't usually achieve what you WANT to HAVE. You only achieve what you HAVE to HAVE. 

Huh? What? Think about it! 
If you WANT to make more money? You probably won't. If you just WANT to lose weight? You won't put 100% into it. And if you WANT to be happier to just be happier? You won't stick to it or dedicate the time to it like you should. 
BUT if you HAVE to earn X amount of money to keep your house or pay the bills or buy that new safe reliable car, then you will! You will figure out a way! 
AND if you HAVE to lose X amount of weight to get out of obesity, to get pregnant, to stay off blood pressure medicine, to get your sugar levels under control, or to feel confident again, then you will! You will dedicate the time and money to do it! 
AND if you have to be happier to make a relationship work or to get out of a slump your in, then you will go to the extreme to make it happen! 
See the difference? Between the want to have and have to have!
Today think about what you want to have and what you have to have! When you think about those have to haves do you get more focused and change your way of thinking? Do you get more disciplined and  determined to make it happen? I know I do! 
Today take those have to haves and make a plan! How are you going to make it happen? What are you going to do to get what you have to have? 
Now do the same thing for your want to haves. Turn them in to have to haves and see how your focus, determination, discipline, and thinking change!

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