Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Trick or Treat with LipSense! 💄💄

Pick a candy corn with a number on it and win a prize. Only one number per person. 🐣🐣
Email me with your number and I will reply with your prize! You have until Sunday, November 5th at midnight to use your prize!! 💋💋

Monday, October 30, 2017

Try Or Cry


You are only ONE DECISION away from a completely different life. And it all comes down to your deciding if you want to #Try Or #Cry.
9 months ago I would have said whatever to the quote. I honestly would have chose to cry. Because let’s be real that’s easier and when your scared, broken, and depressed crying just sounds like the better choice.
Seriously, 9 months ago I didn’t wear lipstick. I could care less about wearing makeup, let alone washing it off my face at night. And I didn’t have the funds to afford it.
But today, after having another successful weekend doing a FUN, EASY, vendor event, where I was able to make enough to pay for all 3 of my bills, not for this month but for next month! Because my other vendor events this month did that. 
And it’s all because of that ONE decision I made 9 months ago!! 😭🙌🏼😱#ThankYouGod
I know, I know. You are saying too good to be true, or that yeah I can do it but you can’t. 
STOP! That’s where that decision making comes in. That’s where the try or cry choice comes in. You are making the decision NOT to experience the amazingness that could be happening to you RIGHT NOW. You are choicing to cry. 
You HAVE to BELIEVE it is POSSIBLE for YOU too!!! You have to TRY!!!
Trust me God can do ANYTHING but he first wants you to BELIEVE in yourself, and TRUST in him
And then...
You have to TRY. You have to put your heart and hustle in to it! You have to work for it. And no you don’t have to work 9-5 with it, but you have to put time and effort into it, to take it where you want it to go.
Has it been easy for me? No. I've had to learn and work harder than my past business, I have had to change habits and come out of my shell! 
But if you ask has it been worth it? And well I will tell you, HECK YEAH!!!
What ONE decision can you make today? This week? What is one thing that YOU can say yes to? 
Maybe it’s your health. Maybe it’s changing your bad habits to healthier ones. Maybe it’s saying yes to God. Maybe its finally jumping at a business opportunity you have been wanting to do.
Whatever it is, don’t wait another minute! Say YES right now! Today!! And watch JESUS take the wheel! 
**SeneGence does not guarantee any level of success and God does not guarantee an easy journey. Your income is a direct reflection of your skills and effort.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Health and Fitness Tip #151 - 8 Reasons To Start Eating Kelp

8 Reasons To Start Eating Kelp

While I know that many people in the Western world find them off-putting, I absolutely adore sea vegetables. Red, brown, green, crispy, chewy… they all taste great to me. My favorite kind has to be the delicious nori used to wrap my stir fry in, but I also love the little bites of kelp found in miso soup. They add such a wonderful, salty flavor. As a bonus, kelp is incredibly healthy.

Kelp, also known as kombu, is a type of brown algae. It is also sometimes simply referred to as “large seaweed,” and can represent about 300 types of types of seaweed that fall under the kelp category. Seaweed itself is ancient, and part of the oh-so-healthy algae family. It’s also very versatile. Kelp can be used to flavor foods; seaweed has a great natural “umami” flavor, and is often used in Japanese and Chinese soup bases. It can also be used to add a green, nutritious accent. It can even be eaten on its own, if you like the taste (I do, it’s mild and pleasant).

If you want a good reason to add more kelp to your meals, here are eight that come to mind.

1. Vitamins and Minerals Galore

Eating kelp is a great way to get some vitamins and minerals into your system. This yummy seaweed contains vitamins C and K, along with several B-vitamins. It also contains many minerals and other nutrients, including calcium, copper, potassium, iodine, fiber, magnesium, manganese and zinc.

Eating the traditional Western diet, as so many of us do all too often, can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Choosing to switch to a healthy lifestyle, and adding kelp to your nutritious recipes, is a great way to get replenished.

2. Iodine for Thyroid Health

One of the most important benefits of brown algae such as kelp is its high content of iodine. Having an adequate balance of iodine in your body is key to the health of your thyroid. The thyroid is an organ located in your neck. It produces hormones, which are involved in many different functions of your body and mind. If you don’t have enough iodine in your body, your thyroid function may suffer.

Eating kelp on a regular basis may help to improve your thyroid function if your iodine levels are low. Of course, if you suspect your thyroid may be out of whack, your first step should be to see a health professional you trust to get to the bottom of the issue. Then, you’ll be able to find out how much iodine your body needs.

3. Antioxidants to Fight Inflammation and Free Radicals

The antioxidants in kelp combat chronic inflammation.
Kelp is high in several antioxidants, including carotenoid and flavonoid antioxidants. It also contains vitamin C, which is known to have potent antioxidant properties within the body. On top of that, kale contains various alkaloids with antioxidant properties. All of these antioxidants combined can help to combat chronic inflammation throughout your body (which can be very dangerous when left unchecked) and keep you feeling your best.

4. Chlorophyll Content Benefits Your Blood

Kelp, like other green plants, is high in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll does more than make plants green. Its structure resembles that of human blood, and because of this, may be very beneficial to the health of our blood and entire circulatory system. One such benefit is stimulating the body’s production of red blood cells, which encourages better oxygen delivery to all of the vital organs in your body. Chlorophyll also has many other important benefits.

5. Fiber is ital for your gut and your heart

The fiber in kelp improves your gut and immune system.

You probably already know this, but your body needs fiber to function properly. Luckily, kelp contains a wealth of it. Fiber is not only important for digestion, it’s also key to heart health, and the health of your gut, which greatly affects your immune system.

6. Kelp is a vegan source of protein

For those looking for a yummy vegan protein to add to their diets, kelp is a great option. It’s not an entirely complete protein, but it’s close, as it contains numerous amino acids. So, while kelp may not work as a lone protein source, combined with other healthy sources of protein, such as beans, legumes, seeds and a variety of veggies, it can augment your diet significantly.

7. Kelp is alkaline

Many people who regularly consume the Western diet are too acidic, and this can lead to health issues. Kelp is alkaline in nature, which may help to balance out some of that acidity. Of course, getting rid of the junk in your diet and focusing on whole, nutritious foods is the first step. However, kelp is one of the great nutritious foods you can add.

8. Kelp may help fight cancer

Sea vegetables including kelp may help to fight cancer thanks to their nutrients and anti-inflammatory compounds. They may be especially helpful to estrogen-related cancers such as breast cancer, however, much more research needs to be done on this topic.

But before you eat it every day…

While kelp is incredibly healthy, don’t go overboard. Too much iodine in your system can produce toxicity. If you’re thinking of eating more kelp than would normally be called for in recipes, talk to a health professional you trust first. Also, talk to your doctor if you are considering adding kelp to your diet if you have a cardiovascular or metabolic condition, because of sodium concerns.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Beauty Tip Thursday - NEW RELEASES

NEW – Limited Edition Make It Mine Glam Doll LipSense

Introducing our NEW Limited Edition Glam Doll LipSense!

Fall in love with this earthy, deep, neutral brown-pink shade created by Make It Mine contest winner and Independent Distributor, Sapphire Crown Princess – Brittany Comer.

Glam Doll LipSense is now available to order in the US, AU, and Canada.

NEW – Limited Edition Make It Mine T.E.A.M. Wicked LipSense

Presenting our NEW Limited Edition T.E.A.M. Wicked LipSense!

Go bold with a smoky, deep navy-royal lip color highlighted with an enchanting teal shimmer created by Make It Mine contest winner and Independent Distributor, Crown Princess – Renee Stewart.

T.E.A.M. Wicked LipSense is now available to order in the US, AU, and Canada.

These Colors are GORGEOUS and you don't want to miss out on them!! They are perfect for the FALL!!! 

Get your hands on one now!! Email me or visit my website to claim one now! 

New and Improved BlushSense and Concealers

Announcing newly improved formulas and additional colors for SenseCosmetics products – BlushSense andCorrective Color Concealer with SenePlex! Enjoy long-lasting, water-resistant cream blushes and concealers that help to improve your complexion with advanced anti-aging ingredients.

Now Available: The following colors are available to order now in the US, AU, and Canada: CherryTerra CottaBronzeToasted Rose, and new shade Pink Berry BlushSense as well as new shades LightMedium, and DeepColor Concealers.

Coming SoonPouty Pink and Chocolate Cherry BlushSense as well as newly improved White and Green Color Concealers will be out soon, so stay tuned!

Please note: the previous formulas of BlushSense and Concealer are marked while supplies last.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Motivational Wednesday

It always seems impossible until it is done! 

Life right now might seem impossible. Working out right now might seem impossible. The holidays and getting everything done might seem impossible. Eating healthy and sticking to a clean diet might seem impossible right now.
This time of year can make things seem impossible. It can make goals fade away. It can make bad habits form. 
Don't let this time of year stop you. It's okay to let loose, it's okay to miss a workout, it's okay to be busy with the holidays! 
Don't get down on yourself if your struggling to stick to a workout 100% or if you struggling to stick to the healthy eating 100%. And it's okay to use the excuse it's crazy this time of year! 
Instead of saying it's impossible, give yourself leeway. Instead of working out 6 to 7 days a week try getting in 3-4. Instead of giving up on the healthy eating do 70% to 30%. 
Whatever you do, don't stress, don't get down. Enjoy this time of year! Enjoy that cookie, and enjoy that glass of wine. Don't make it impossible. Make it compriseable! 
You can do this! Keep going! And believe in yourself! And remember it's okay if you skip or fall! Just get back up and do your best and forget the rest! :)

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Color Combo What?!?!

It’s a #colorcombo type of day for me!

I Seriously LOVE our lip colors not just because they last all day and are gorgeous BUT because you can literally combine any color and create a GORGEOUS new one!!

And today I did just that! 
Today I did one layer of #FireNIce and 2 layers of #PlumPretty! Seriously?!?! Who would have thought a PINK/RED color would look so good with a PLUMY BROWN color?!?!
But it did and I am SERIOUSLY IN LOVE with this combo! It’s perfect for fall and still gives me the hint of pink I want! 
And I have gotten so many compliments today with it! Which makes it ever more PERFECT!! 😘💋😘💋
Visit my website to get your colors today!! 

Monday, October 23, 2017

#SideHustle more like #BlessingInDisguise!

#SideHustle more like #BlessingInDisguise!

This lippy biz amazes me everyday! 
SIDE HUSTLE or Blessing?!?!
To me it’s a blessing! After just 2 weekends of doing vendor events this month, I have made enough to pay not only my phone bill, my 2 student loans, BUT....pay my RENT!! And I still have 2 more weekends left of vendor events this weekend. 
God is GREAT! He seriously, works in mysterious ways and bringing #Senegence into my life has been a blessing in more ways than one! Plus it's been the most fun, side hustle I have ever had!!
Scared? Struggling with bills like me? Or just want a side hustle that will pay for fun things? Then I have your answer! This isn't a job, it's not a 9-5, it's FUN, ENJOYABLE, and you meet so many amazing people! 
Interested in learning more? Message me and let's talk! 😘♥️😘
**SeneGence does not guarantee any level of success. Your income is a direct reflection of your efforts and skills.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Health and Fitness Tip #150 - 8 Reasons To Add Cauliflower To Your Morning Smoothie

8 Reasons To Add Cauliflower To Your Morning Smoothie

When we are asked to describe the ingredients in a perfect smoothie, a few classic favorites may come to mind. There’s bananas, strawberries, yogurt, oranges, maybe a handful of greens… but few people would probably put cauliflower at the top of the list. However, adding cauliflower to smoothies is a great way to infuse them full of nutrition while adding wonderful texture.

Read on to discover why your next smoothie should most definitely contain cauliflower. Here are the many benefits of cauliflower:

1. Vitamin C

Cauliflower contains loads of vitamin C. A single cup of cooked cauliflower actually provides 73 percent of our daily value of this ultra-important vitamin. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant vitamin that helps to reduce chronic inflammation, support a healthy immune system, encourage healthy skin and much more.

2. B-vitamins

Cauliflower contains a wide range of B-vitamins, important for every system in your body to function optimally.

3. Vitamin K

Cauliflower is a good source of vitamin K, which is integral in supporting healthy blood clotting.

4. Omega-3 fatty acids

This delicious cruciferous vegetable contains a decent amount of heart and brain-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are known as essential fatty acids, meaning that you need to get them from food. Tossing some cauliflower in your smoothies is a great way to get them.

5. Minerals

Cauliflower contains a wealth of minerals, including magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and potassium. It’s also a good source of fiber, which is essential to both cardiovascular and digestive health.

6. Antioxidants

Along with vitamins, minerals and omega-3s, cauliflower is a great source of antioxidants. These include beta-carotene, cinnamic acid, ferulic acid, and quercetin, not to mention the antioxidant vitamin C that was previously mentioned. All of these antioxidants work together to improve your health by neutralizing damaging free radicals throughout your body and helping to lower inflammation.

7. Glucosinolates

Glucosinolates in cauliflower can help protect your cardiovascular health.
One group of phytonutrients found in cauliflower are especially important to its benefits: glucosinolates. Glucosinolates are sulfur compounds that have been associated with a sizeable body of research to improvements in immune system health, cardiovascular health, digestive health, support of the body’s detoxification systems and reducing inflammation, to name just a few.

The glucosinolates found in cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbage, bok choy, broccoli and brussels sprouts) have been linked by research to reduced risk of multiple types of cancer. To summarize some of this research, the authors of a 2013 study published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention wrote:

“Epidemiological evidence strongly suggests that consumption of dietary phytochemicals found in vegetables and fruit can decrease cancer incidence. Among the various vegetables, broccoli and other cruciferous species appear most closely associated with reduced cancer risk in organs such as the colorectum, lung, prostate and breast. The protecting effects against cancer risk have been attributed, at least partly, due to their comparatively high amounts of glucosinolates, which differentiate them from other vegetables.”

8. Lowered cholesterol

Eating cooked cauliflower may help to lower blood cholesterol, thanks to its ability to bind to bile acids.

Why put cauliflower in your smoothie?

Some of you may be thinking, “That’s great, but cauliflower still sounds weird for a smoothie ingredient.” Weird as it may seem, it’s actually pretty genius. Cauliflower has a very mild flavor, so it won’t actually change the taste of your smoothie much at all if you mix it with other healthy, flavorful ingredients. Also, it will add a creamy texture to the mix, making it very satisfying to sip.

Another reason to add cauliflower to your smoothies (besides the amazing health benefits listed above) is that it’s a great way to get more of this veggie into your diet. Many people don’t eat enough vegetables, and smoothies are a great way to remedy this situation. You won’t taste it, and you’ll still get all of the health benefits that it has to offer.

How to best prepare cauliflower for smoothies

Studies show that steamed cauliflower offers the best nutritional benefits.
How you choose to add cauliflower to your smoothies is entirely up to you. You can add some raw cauliflower directly to your smoothie. You could steam some up and add it, or you could boil it. You could even use frozen cauliflower. However, despite all types of cauliflower having great health benefits, various cooking methods do affect its nutritional content in different ways.

A 2015 study published in the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis tested the nutritional content of raw, boiled and steamed cauliflower. The researchers involved in this study found that boiling destroyed many benefits, while steaming made them more bioavailable than in raw cauliflower. On their results, the study authors wrote, “In all cases, the highest antioxidant activity was determined in the steamed samples, while the lowest antioxidant activity was in boiled samples.”

So, to get the most antioxidant powers from your cauliflower, you may want to steam up some organic cauliflower (making sure that you don’t overcook it), and add a half cup to one cup to your next smoothie. If you’re new to smoothies, try a base of green tea, almond milk or coconut milk, add a banana, add your cauliflower, throw in some fresh or frozen berries and accent with your other favorite fruits. You could also throw in a handful of fresh leafy greens for an even more amazing kick.

Once you try it, you may want cauliflower in all of your smoothies! Let us know how it goes!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Beauty Tip Thursday - EyeLuminator

SeneDerm® EyeLuminator

Brighten and highlight while moisturizing your eye-area with EyeLuminator. Make this perfect blend of rich SeneDerm® EyeCrème and luminescent MakeSense Pearlizer part of your daily morning skin care routine. 

Ingredients in the EyeLuminator are effective in hydrating your eye area, as well as helping to diminish fine lines and wrinkles. Not only is EyeLuminator good for your skin, it also provides a gorgeous, natural-looking highlight to brighten your gaze. Apply EyeLuminator on its own to achieve a natural look or use to create a smooth surface prior to applying your ShadowSense.

Head over to my senesite to stock up on yours today! 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Motivational Wednesday

We are half way through the week!

Can this year please SLOW down!!
Be yourself NO matter what THEY say!! We live in a society today that tells us how we should look, feel, act, etc. And honestly, it's all wrong! 
The new skinny is being strong and muscular not a bean pole and sickly looking.
Healthy eating doesn't mean skipping meals and drinking coffee. Healthy eating is eating the right foods and 5-6 small meals a day. 
So stop comparing yourself to others. Stop comparing yourself to what society deems right and fit. 
BE YOU!! BE UNAPOLOGETICALLY YOU!! Don't be ashamed for who you are, what you wear, your body, or how you feel. 
Be proud of who you are! Be proud of your accomplishments. Be proud of your failures. Be proud of where you have come from! 
Remember don't let others dictate your life and thoughts! Be you! Be yourself no matter what others say!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Transformation Tuesday


Would you believe me if I told you 4 years ago I could have cared less what kind of make up I bought, let alone 8 months ago?!?!
Seriously?!?! I could have care less to wear it, let alone even look at the ingredients! 😱
And now here I am! Promoting an amazing company, that doesn't just help renew your skin, BUT is #GlutenFree and #CeliacSafe!! 
I mean let's be honest here. Even after I started working on my health, I didn’t think (or cared) one bit about what my makeup had in it. I figured since it was something I could purchase, it had to be safe and good for me. And the cheaper the better Right? 🙈🙈
Just because we aren't ingesting the ingredients doesn't mean they still can't harm you! 
One thing that sold me on LipSense is that we are 98% nature meets 2% science! Crazy right?!?
And now just after using our skin care line and our entire make up line, I don't just know how to apply my make up better 😂😂
My skin looks and feels younger! And it's all because of this amazing company that stands true to making a product that is healthy for you, your kids, and your husband! 
So I am curious, Is what is in your makeup matter to you? NO JUDGING! Just curious to see if it’s something important to you. Or something you have ever thought about.