Monday, October 9, 2017



It can be scary. It can be terrifying. 
And recently with all the things going on in the USA, it makes you stop dead in your tracks and ask why.
Unfortunately there are no answers to why terrible things happen. 
But there is God to turn to, especially now in these moments. He doesn’t cause terrible things to happen to us, but he always brings good out in the things that do happen.
Tonight hug your family a little tighter, call up a loved one or a lost one and tell them you love them. And tonight bow your head and pray for those that have suffered great loss these past few days, weeks, and month. 
And thank God for giving you today. Remember tomorrow isn’t promised, so live in the present! 
God Bless You all! ðŸ˜˜ðŸ’‹✨

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