Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Motivational Wednesday - Decide You are NOT going to stay where you are at!

The first step towards getting somewhere is to DECIDE that you are NOT going to stay where you are! 

Change is scary! I fear change just as much as you do! I like my routine and I like sticking to it daily! I like knowing what is going to happen next. 
However, if you want to change, if you want to go after a goal, you MUST make a change! And the first step into making that change is telling yourself, telling your mind that you are going to change, that you no longer want to stay where you are at!! 
If you are unhappy with your self, your looks, your weight, your job, your situation then you need to change! Life is too short to be unhappy. 
So face your fear of change and embrace it!! It will be scary at first, but it will be sooo worth it!! That I can promise you!!

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