Tuesday, October 3, 2017

1 Decision Way From A Different Life

You are only ONE DECISION away from a completely different life.

That quote has really been eating at me this weekend! 
I mean 8 months ago I would have said whatever to the quote. I probably would have told you that it wasn’t or couldn’t be true. 
Let’s be REAL. 8 months ago I didn’t wear lipstick. I could care less about wearing makeup, let alone washing it off my face at night. 
But today, after doing a 3 day vendor event, wearing lipstick, talking it up, and actually talking to strangers!! I didn’t just make some spending money, I was able to make enough to pay for my RENT! 
And it’s all because of that ONE decision, that one YES I said to, 8 months ago!! 😭🙌🏼😱#ThankYouGod
I know, I know. You are saying too good to be true, or that yeah I can do it but you can’t. 
STOP! That’s where that decision making comes in. You are making the decision NOT to experience the amazingness that could be happening to you RIGHT NOW.
You HAVE to BELIEVE it is POSSIBLE for YOU too!!!
Trust me God can do ANYTHING but he first wants you to BELIEVE in yourself and TRUST in him! 
And then...
You have to put your heart and hustle in to it! You have to work for it. And no you don’t have to work 9-5 with it, but you have to put time and effort into it, to take it where you want it to go.
Has it been easy for me? No. I've had to learn and work harder than my past business, I have had to change habits and come out of my shell! 
But if you ask has it been worth it? And well I will tell you, HECK YEAH!!!
What ONE decision can you make today? This week? What is one thing that YOU can say yes to? 
Maybe it’s your health. Maybe it’s changing your bad habits to healthier ones. Maybe it’s saying yes to God. Maybe its finally jumping at a business opportunity you have been wanting to do.
Whatever it is, don’t wait another minute! Say YES right now! Today!! And watch JESUS take the wheel! 
**SeneGence does not guarantee any level of success and God does not guarantee an easy journey. Your income is a direct reflection of your skills and effort.

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