Wednesday, September 17, 2014


I woke up this morning exhausted but grateful! I am grateful for so many things in my life. I

am grateful that my husband landed on his knee and not his head. I am grateful for my

family and the support and help they have given us through this time, I am grateful for my

friends, who are constantly checking in on is, and most of all I am grateful for Beachbody!

Why Beachbody? Because I am able to work at home and take care of my husband and go

 to all the appointments with him. If I wasn't doing Beachbody and still teaching it would be

 harder. Also because of Beachbody I have met and made friends with the most amazing

 ladies, who are constantly checking in and who I have just become so close to, that I know I

 can turn to them for anything, even a should to cry on. I have a lot to be grateful for today!

Do you? What is one thing you are grateful for?

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