Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 3!!! Say What?!?

Ahhh!! I can't believe I have made it to week 3. Today was the fit test again. With Insanity you do the fit test every 2 weeks. I am happy with my results. I went up in all areas except the power jacks where I stayed the same. And in some areas I only went up one. But I am not letting that discourage me. I have worked hard and its only day 15. I can't wait to see where my numbers are at come day 60.

What kept me motivated this whole time was beating Tania. I would get excited when Shaun T would go over and read her numbers. She might have had higher numbers than me but when it came to the increases that is what I got excited about. Some of them increased more than her by a lot and sometimes by 1 so I was thrilled about that! haha

I am really enjoying this program and look forward to it each morning. If you have 45 minutes a day to spend working out then I recommend this program. Yes it is called insanity and yes it is insane, but I truly believe that anyone can do this program, as long as they go at their own pace and listen to Shaun T and not really watch him and how fast he goes. I am still just listening and going at my own pace. Yes I hope one day that I can go at his speed but I refuse to compromise my form.

So if you get the chance, check it out! Check insanity out and try a workout or two! You might just become addicted or insane to it!! :)

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