Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Secret to Insanity's Pure Cardio

Hi! Today I started my morning out with Pure Cardio. This one is tough. Its not interval training and there are no circuits which mean no set breaks or time to drink water and catch your breath. However, today I decided to try something new. With this workout the first 10 minutes are dedicated to a warm up which is like a workout in itself, then 7 minutes of stretching. Once the Stretching is over you get a 30 second water break and then you start PURE Cardio for 15 minutes straight, doing a move for a minute straight! So what did I do? I broke it down. I told myself to go hard for 5 minutes straight and then after the 5th move / minute I stopped for a quick water break and then jumped back into it. I did this 3 times and I honestly felt better, stronger, and able to actually push harder and stronger then I did last week when I tried to go straight through for 15 minutes. This really helped and I know there will be days I need to break it down smaller and do it every 3 moves / minutes. And that is okay. I don't want to jeopardize my form and I don't want to get hurt.

So what did the water have to do with it? Did you know:
   60% of your total body weight is water

75% of your muscles is water

Assists in the regulation of internal body temperature

Protects and cushions vital organs

Aids the digestive system

Don’t wait until you are thirsty! Thirst is an early sign of dehydration and if you wait until you are thirsty, you have already begun to dehydrate.
Drink water before, during, and after exercise.

Dress for the environment.
During the warm months exercise at the coolest time of the day – early morning or late evening, and wear the lightest clothing that you can (lightweight t-shirts, shorts, low-cut socks).

During the cold months, wear several layers of clothing so that you can remove layers as you begin to sweat.

This is my 3rd bottle of water already this morning. I drink 70 oz just during Insanity. Make sure you are drinking enough. I always try to drink 225-300 ounces a day.

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