Friday, September 12, 2014

Weekend Motiation

Good Morning! Happy Friday!!!

You did it!! All that stands between you and the weekend is the next 8 hours!! Remember you can do it! Just breath and believe!

This weekend work hard to stay on track. Make a to do list for each day! Make sure you fit your workout in or some physical activity that will get your heart rate up and a sweat going. Also make sure you stick to your meal plan. Don't fall of track and ruin all the hard work you did this weekend for that beer and pizza or those chips and dip! Allow yourself a treat if you want one but don't give in to the football party food! Remember you have goals to meet. Remember your why and what you are working for! Drink lots of water and most importantly, believe in yourself!

Need help? Need motivation and support? I am here for you!! Message me!!!

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