Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Jess D

Its Tranformation Tuesday and I have some today that I am going to feature, that is near and dear to my heart! I met this girl in College, at Clarion, and if it weren't for the Sorority we pledged together, I would have never met her. YES I am a sorority girl!! :P She was a business major and a year a head of me, I was an Elementary Education Major, so we had NO classes together. However, Spring of 2003 changed my life forever and this girl came into it!!! She is amazing and after graduation we slowly drifted apart and didn't talk often or much over the years. However, thank goodness for FB to keep you somewhat close or in touch, RIGHT?!?

September of 2014 she reached out to me and asked for help. She was given the 21 Day Fix and wanted to start Drinking Shakeology. I helped her order it, got her into a Fix Group and she hasn't looked back since!! December of 2014 she became a coach and ranked to emerald in less than 30 Days. She is committed and amazing!!! And her results that she has made are unbelievable.

Coach Jess D has hit a HUGE milestone in her business lately!! She hit the 50 pound mark!! YES you read that right from September to February she has lost 50+ pounds and doesn't plan on stropping till she reaches her goal weight. I super proud of her and am so glad that she is on this mission with me!! She is one amazing lady and one awesome coach that knows how to incorporate the 21 Day Fix into a lifestyle and still have fun and enjoy going out on the weekends!!!

Also ANOTHER huge milestone that she hit just the other week was SKINNY Jeans. We all love and hate them at the same time! Well she bought her first pair in a long time and loves. Not to mention she LOOKS amazing in them!! Look how skinny her legs are!!

Here she is also working out with the 21 Day Fix. The combination of the Fix meal plan, shakeology and the workouts TRULY do work!! You just have to be ready and willing to make that 21 day commitment!!

Jess Continues to eat clean, workout, and live a healthy lifestyle. However, we are all not perfect and when she does fall off the track, she will jump right back on and do a 3 day refresh to help kick start her butt back into gear!! Here are some of her amazing results from her last 3 Day Refresh. She lost 7 pounds and a total of 4.5 inches!!! All in 3 days!!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Week 1 Recap of the 21 Day Fix Extreme

Day starts week 2 of the 21 Day Fix Extreme. So I want to take time and recap Week 1.

Week 1 was tough, I am not going to lie. It wasn't the eating plan but it was the workouts. She doesn't give you as long as a break and she goes harder and faster. I love her leg days because they make you sweat like a pig and yet feel amazing after. Pilates is a challenge - why? Because she uses a resistance band the entire 30 minutes and they aren't easy moves. When it comes to favorite workouts, I think Dirty 30 Extreme is my favorite. It wasn't my favorite in the regular fix, BUT it is in extreme. Why? Dirty 30 slows down a bit, its at the end of the week, and the moves she has you do are dynamic, fun, and target certain areas of your body.

All in all the workouts are AWESOME and definitely for someone that is more advanced and has been working out for a while. I would not recommend this program for someone who is a bigger, older, or has a serious injury.

MEAL PLAN - now this is my FAVORITE part of the program. The 21 Day Fix Extreme comes with 2 meal plans. One is the Extreme Meal Plan just like the regular Fix, BUT you no longer get sweets, waffles, treats, and of course your wine! The competition plan - is a carb depletion plan that is for someone that wants serious results and / or someone that is thinking about doing a Body Competition.

I am doing the Countdown to Competition plan which means I get 6 reds (proteins), 3 greens (veggies) and 1 yellow (carb) a day. I am not a meat eater but I am going to Cancun in 16 days and am looking for some serious results. So I decided to the Competition plan. I honestly thought I was going to hate it and have to quit after the first day or 2 because I hate meat, however, I am in love with it, have stuck to it and am now on day 8. I am learning a lot about my body. For example, on the days I carb deplete, I feel amazing, no bloating, fresh, and workouts the next morning are amazing. The days I am following the fix extreme meal plan and allowed fruits, dairy and starches, I feel bloated, have a crappy workout the next day, and have a upset stomach.

Its interesting how in tune I have become with my body and it has me thinking about my nutrition plan come after the fix.

Here are pictures of what I eat on the competition plan and what I eat on the extreme plan.

On these days I do 3 shakes, 1 with fruit and peanuts, 1 with PB, 1 with fruit and starch, and then 1 protein, 1 starch, and 3 greens for dinner.
I do 2 Shakes, 2 Ground Chickens, 2 Turkey Burgers, 1 Broccoli, 1 sweet potato, and 2 green beans.

If you are interested in the 21 Day Fix or the Extreme message me at jgerity83@gmail.com and I can tell you more about each one.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip # 19 - Shake Your Way Slim

Shake your way slim
Sick of that elliptical or bike or running outside? That means it's time to mix up your routine! My favorite way: Break a sweat by moving and shaking. How? 2 ways 1. Simply make a playlist with your favorite "Dance Party" tunes ("Girls Just Want to Have Fun"? "Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It)"?), then turn up the volume, and start breaking it down. Or 2. Get Hip Hop Abs or Rockin' Body and break a sweat with Shaun T. These 2 programs will have you busting a move while laughing at yourself, and trust me you will be a sweaty, sore mess by the end of the workout! And for even more fun, invite some gal pals over and get grooving (and laughing). The best part is that you'll each burn about 200 to 600 calories per hour. Now that's something to shimmy about!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

New Recieps - Healthy Protein Ball Desert

 Healthy Balls Dessert Recipe:

  * 1 full jar (12 oz) of almond butter, cashew butter, or peanut butter (I use Peanut Butter)
  * 1/4 cup real maple syrup (I use organic)
  * 2 cups almond flour
 * 1/2 cup organic canned coconut milk (canned is creamier than the watered down cartons)
 * 1/3 cup chia seed
 * 1 teaspoon vanilla
 * 2-3 scoops chocolate whey or Vegan protein (Shakeology!)
 * 2 Tbsp of organic cocoa powder
 * 1/3 cup of cacao nibs
 * 1/3 cup of dark choc chips (100% cacao) If you can't find 100% try to get 70% or higher
  * 1 Tbsp of cinnamon


 Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl and continue to mash together with a large spoon for a few minutes until everything seems well mixed together. 

Roll into 1 inch balls and lay out on plates or waxed paper to put in the freezer (they need to be separate so they don't freeze together).

Once frozen, you can transfer all the balls to a tupperware container to keep in the freezer until any time you want a healthy sweet treat!

These are amazing and a great treat to have! My hubby and I love to make these and have them at hand when we need something on the go or just a sweet treat!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

BOD - FREE 1 Month Trial Launches today!!

EEEKKKK!!! I have some BIG and EXCITING news!!!

Have you been hearing people talk or post about BOD or Beachbody on Demand? Have you been wanting to try some of the programs that Beachbody has to offer but don’t want to invest till you know if you are going to like them?

Well Guess what?!? You are in luck!!! Starting this Wednesday March 25, 2015, you can get a FREE month of Beachbody on Demand and try out the 11 full programs that they have on their and even some sneak peak workouts of the newer programs like T25, 21 Day Fix, and even 21 Day Fix Extreme!!

You may be asking yourself what is Beachbody On Demand. Think of BOD as Netflix or Hulu but for workout programs. That means you can work out anywhere, any time, and on any mobile device, like your tablet, phone or laptop!!  You can stream a workout now, just like you can Friends, Grey’s Anatomy, Bones, etc.

Beachbody listens to its customers and Beachbody on Demand is the company’s way of making their programs more accessible and convenient and even more than that making their customers happy and able to take their health and fitness journey any and everywhere!!

Starting today March 25, 2015, the Team Beachbody Club membership now comes with a 30-day FREE trial. Everyone who signs up will have 30 days to try out all of the benefits of the Club, including Beachbody On Demand before their first quarterly billing!!! This is an amazing opportunity and great way for YOU to try out Beachbody on Demand and find a program that fits you and your lifestyle!

And Starting on April 1st, Team Fearless Dreamers will be running a FREE BOD Challenge group for the entire month of APRIL!!! This group will include health and fitness tips, insights to different programs, tips on how to save money for shakeology, and most importantly a FREE month’s membership to the Team Beachbody Club!! You will be able to check out all the programs that are on demand right now and get sneak peaks of the newest programs from Beachbody!!

Interested in getting a Free month’s worth of program sneak peaks? Email me at jgerity83@gmailcom or visit my webisite and I will get you added to my FREE April BOD Challenge Group! Or click this here and sign up for your Free account today!! 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - My own 21 Day Fix Results

Here are my 21 Day Fix Results. You may be looking at them and saying I didn't lose anything or what is the difference. And honestly I felt that way too! I asked my hubby what is the difference. And this is the conclusion he told me......
I eat so clean - due to having celiacs and not wanting to get sick or contaminated, that the fix diet was a normal every day occurrence. I workout everyday so that was nothing new, BUT I added in weights that defined muscles I have not had defined before and it cut me up more in my stomach and my arms.
The more I think about it, I agree. I went straight from Insanity Max 30 where I lost six pounds into the 21 Day Fix. My body was already in shape and my meal plan was in tack. I did dial it down more with the 21 Day Fix and I did the workouts exactly as she had them. My goal wasn't to lose weight, just the 1 or 2 pounds that needed to come off. My goal was to get more cut up and defined, and honestly do to the 21 day fix in its entirety.
I started to get cut, but am now taking it to the next level with the 21 Day Fix Extreme and hoping that with the Countdown to Competition Plan I will see the cut up results I am looking for.
Here are my Measurements from Day 1 and Day 21
Day 1
Chest - 30.5
Arm - 10
Thigh - 19.5
Calf - 13
Waist - 25.5
Hips - 28.75
Butt - 34.75
Weight - 118.5
Day 21 
Chest - 30
Arm - 10
Thigh - 19.5
Calf - 12.5
Waist - 25
Hips - 28.25
Butt - 35
Weight - 116
Total inches lost 1.5 and total pounds lost 2.5 - Not a lot but remember I am someone who is fit, in shape, and eats clean 95% of the time due to celiac's disease.  
Conclusion - This program works! Whether you are someone that wants to lose weight, gain weight, just dial in your nutrition and workout this program is for you. The 21 Day Fix works for everyone and their goals. Remember mine wasn't to lose weight, but to cut up and it helped me do that. If your goal is to lose weight it will help you do that, if you goal is to gain weight it will help you do that, and if you goal is to maintain weight and dial in your nutrition, the 21 Day Fix will help you do that.
This program is amazing and so many people have changed their life due to it. Are you ready to Change yours?

Monday, March 23, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme and Countdown to Competiton Meal Plan - Day 1

Day 1 of the 21 Day Fix Extreme Starts Today! This morning I did Plyo Fix Extreme. This workout was all about legs, which I love because you get a sweat going and you burn more calories. I was sweating before round 1 was even over! And my legs are shaking and sore already! I am excited to see what tomorrow brings!

For the Eating Plan the 21 Day fix Extreme came with 2. You could do the Extreme eating plan or the Countdown to Competition eating plan, which is what Autumn does before her competitions.

I am doing the Countdown to Competition eating plan. This plan is a carb depletion plan that allows you 1 carb a day (or at least that is all I get because of the bracket, I am in). I like this plan because you do 2 days carb depletion and 1 day Extreme plan. Also neither plan allows you to drink wine or enjoy sweets, so thank goodness for shakeology to help me with my cravings.

I am excited to be doing this meal plan. I am not a meat eater so that part will be hard, BUT there are only 22 more days till Cancun so I need to suck it up now so I don't suck it in later in Cancun! I am willing to Sacrifice giving up fruits and carbs for 21 days if it means I will have the bikini body I have always wanted.

Would you? Could you go for 21 days, 2 days on and 1 day off of no carbs?

Friday, March 20, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #18 - Relieving those aweful side stitches

Relieve those side stitches

You know it: a sharp pain just below the rib cage that always seems to pop up when you're working out at your hardest. It's called the side stitch, and it can be a major nuisance—especially when it keeps you from completing a workout. To ease the ache (so you can get on with your workout), take your fist and press it beneath your rib cage while taking deep breaths from your belly for about 10 steps. In about 30 seconds, the pain should subside, so you can get on back to your fitness workout.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

NEW RECIPE - Paleo Apple Crisp

I love apples and especially apple crisp. This recipe is amazing and hubby approved!! I also love adding vanilla coconut ice cream on top for a desert so does my husband!! This recipe is amazing and must try!!! Especially when you are having guest or other wise you have a ton left over!!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes

5 pounds McIntosh or any apple you prefer
Grated zest of 1 orange
Grated zest of 1 lemon
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

For the topping:
¾ c almond flour
¾ c coconut flour
1/2 cup coconut sugar
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
¾ c organic coconut flakes
1/2 pound cold pasture-raised butter, diced

Directions: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.  Butter a 9 by 14 by 2-inch oval baking dish.  Peel, core, and cut the apples into large wedges. Combine the apples with the zests, juices, and spices. Pour into the dish.

To make the topping, combine the flour, coconut sugar, salt, coconut flakes, mix thoroughly. Add in the cold pasture-raised butter in the bowl with the dry ingredients. Using a pastry cutter, mash and cut the butter into the dry ingredients for several minutes, until you have pieces the size of peas. Scatter the topping evenly over the apples.

Optional healthy/tasty addition:  Add some pecan pieces mixed into the topping.
Place the crisp on a sheet pan and bake for 40-45 minutes until the top is brown and the apples are bubbly. Serve warm.  Enjoy with a side of Coconut Ice Cream for a decadent yet healthy dessert.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The only way to succeed is to not worry about what anyone else is doing.

The only way to succeed is to NOT worry about what anyone else is doing! 

Gahhhhh!! That's hard! How many of us compare ourself to others? How many of us compare our journey to others? How many of us compare our weight loss to others? How many of us compare our job to our coworkers?

I know I am GUILTY of doing it! It's so easy to see others make progress and not say why not me? What is wrong with me? Why can't I be like that? 

Guess what?!? You can!! You can be better!! But you have to stop comparing yourself! You know your body, you know your limitations! You can do anything you need / want to do! You just have to believe in yourself and work for it! The best way to do that is to STOP comparing yourself to others, STOP caring what others think and say about you, and START putting your blinders up!! 

Don't worry about others and just focus on you!! Focus on your goals, dreams, and what you want with your life!! Leave the comparison up to who you were last week to who you were this week!! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - My own p90x3 Results

This week I am showing you my Transformation Pictures from Last January - April 2014. I started p90x3 at the beginning of 2014 and did the 90 Day program in its entirety. The program was different then T25 but 30 minute workouts were ideal and I ended up falling in love with the program. 

I finished the Program at the beginning of April. This #0day program was amazing! I lost 4% bodyfat and 12 pounds from day 1 to day 90. I am not going to lie it was tough, but it was sooo worthit! I loved every workout and I learned to love Pilates and even Yoga!

With P90x3 I didn't just lose weight but I gained muscle and toned up my arms, stomach and leaned out my legs, which have always been my biggest area to lose / lean up!

I would recommend this program to anyone and everyone! It is not just cardio and it is not just weightlifting. This program is a totalbody program that works everything and does every type of exercise!

And guess what?!?! You can now get P90x, X2 AND x3 on Beachbody's on demand, all for a low price. This program is amazing and knowing that you get all three P90x's on demand and not have to worry about the DVD's scratching or losing the books!!! LOVE IT!!

Thank you Tony Horton for this amazing transformation!! Want to know more about P90x3 or On Demand? Email me at jgerity83@gmail.com

Monday, March 16, 2015

We are all settled in!!!

We are all moved in!! Last week was a long week. Moving is absolutely no fun!! Especially when you do it your self. My husband and I are no longer young, like we think we are, especially when it comes to moving BIG HEAVY stuff. Last week taught us patience and it taught us that the next time we move, which is inevitable because he is a football coach, that we WILL hire people to move the big heavy stuff. However, after many trips to state college 2 in less than 24 hours, we have all of our stuff in our townhome AND we have most if not all of it put away. All our clothes are unpacked, our furniture is placed where we want it, AND my office is all set up for the week ahead!! Last week took a lot out of us. We were gone from Friday to Thursday late night. And then this weekend we put together the office, unpacked all our clothes, put the empty bins and bins we didn't need right away down in the basement. However, we are done! And we finally have a place to call our OWN!!! Yes that is the most exciting part of this entire journey, is that we can actually live like a married couple and have a place of our own. YAY!!!!
Below are pictures of my office. I have a Couch, a desk, a blue thinking chair, and an ottoman. Now I just need a chair for my desk. I also have 9 cubes filled with all my work stuff including my Personal Development books - one cube of all the books I have read, and another cube of the books I need to read, a cube filled with all my workout programs that I have or will be doing, a cube of giveaways for my coaches, a cube of giveaways for my customers, a cube of notes and important information with Beachbody, and a cube of all my personal training books and notes. I am in love with my office and can't wait to add more to it, especially the walls!  

Couch for sitting or laying when I am reading or having meetings.

All my Work things - notes from meetings, give aways for my coaches and customers, Programs, Personal Development books, and Personal training books

My Thinking Chair / Corner. I have a chair and ottoman to work on. I also have a desk that needs a chair for my videos and when I have meetings.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #17 - Snag the Right Support

Snag the right support - When it comes to Sports Bras What do you get?

Sure, your yoga sports bras works great for downward dog—but when it comes to high intensity workouts like insanity, T25, running, etc. you'll need one that's designed to lock them in for all that jumping around and pounding. So what should you look for? "The best sports bras are loose around the chest so you can expand your ribs and diaphragm more effectively. But they should also be form-fitting," says Deena Kastor. Just make sure the cup is made of comfy material (like a soft compression fabric; look for descriptions that include the terms "breathability" and "compression")—you don't want to be itching 10 minutes into your workout! Also go with what feels right on you, whether that means it comes from target, Walmart, or Victoria Secrets. You need to know that you won't be stopping 5 minutes in tow your workout adjusting, itching or pulling at your sports bra. Find a brand that best fits you and your needs!  

Thursday, March 12, 2015


OMG!! I made these for my husband for his birthday! All homemade and delicious! I didn't know how they would turn out but he loves cupcakes so I decided to give it a whirl! Lets just say out of the 12 I made, I only got 2! So I would say that they were HUSBAND approved. They were sooo easy to make and the frosting was easy too! Check out the recipe below and definitely try these out. The next time I made them I think I am going to try almond meal just for those that don't like the coconut taste. 


1/2 cup of Coconut Flour
1/4 tsp Gluten Free Baking soda
4 Eggs
1/3 Cup Coconut Oil
1/2 Cup Honey
1 TBSP of Vanilla extract


1. Preheat oven to 350 Degrees F
2. Combine all the dry ingredients in a medium bowl and mix well.
3. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix well. I used a blender.
4. Divide Batter among 12 cupcake papers
5. Bake for about 25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of a cupcake comes out clean
6. Cool and then Frost


1 cup of all natural organic Peanut Butter (can sub almond butter)
1/2 cup of cocoa powder
1/4 cup of honey

Mix all ingredients together and frost cupcakes.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

BE YOU!!!! Be uapologetically you!!!


So many people are not themselves because they are too busy trying to impress everyone around them and run with a crowd that isn't truly who they are. 

Not you!! Don't hide yourself away from others. Don't be afraid to be who you truly are! Because like Dr. Seuss said, "those who mind don't matter, and those you matter don't mind."

Stop caring what others think. BE YOU!!! Don't be anyone else! Be you and be unapologetically you!! Be the BEST version of you!!! Be proud of who you are and where you come from! Be proud of what you do and what you stand for! You are unique and there is no one like you out there. So shine on!! And shine bright!!
Today stop trying to be someone you are not and start being the amazing person you are!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Janae B.

21 Day Fix Does it really work?

Look at these amazing results that Janae got from doing it. All it took her was 21 days to lose the bloat and gain the bikini body she wanted. And because she got such amazing results not just with her body but with her health, energy, and confidence, that she decided to become a coach herself!!

So is the Fix for real? Here are a lot of questions I get with the 21 Day Fix

Does it only take 21 days for everyone to gain that body? No but no matter what shape you are in, you will lose 5-15 pounds in the first 21 days.

So what do you do after the 21 days? - I suggest that you continue to do the 21 day fix, a second round even a third round till you hit your goal weight and body.

Is this unsafe? - The 21 day fix is all about portion control. Not unsafe at all. You are still eating a TON and you are balancing your nutrition so you do not eat too much of one thing and not enough of another.

Do I have to eat a set meal plan? - NOPE!!! You eat what you want and when you want! The only rule is that it has to fit into the containers and you have to have that container left to be allowed it.

Is it hard? - NO the meal planning is simple and easy. The first time looking at it, you might feel overwhelmed but by day 5 you are  pro!

Shakes - Do I have to do them? - No put I will tell you that I strongly recommend that you do them at least the first round. Why? because shakeology gives you energy and when you are starting a new program whether you have worked out daily before or are brand new, you will need the energy to keep going. Plus it has many other benefits too!

Workouts - Are they hard? - They can be if you push yourself, but there is a modifier too. I have clients that range from 20-65 that are doing this program and love it and take the workouts at their own pace.

If the 21 Day Fix, sounds like something you would like to do and you want to know more about it, you can email me at jgerity83@gmail.com or you can check me out on my teambeachbody website.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Moving = Change - The Final Phase in our Move

Its here, the day has come! It is the final phase of our move! This past weekend I have had a flood of emotions go through me. I am excited, tired, sore, sad, relieved, and over whelmed.

Friday I came to State College, to start moving, packing, throwing stuff out, sorting stuff that needs to go to good will and to our new place. Saturday, I was sick to my stomach with stress and over work. Sunday a flood of emotions ran throw me and I balled, change is inevitable, but change is hard. And today, well today I am SORE and excited to start this new journey with my husband. Tomorrow I will be overwhelmed

Moving. There is a lot to say about moving. It can be fun, hard, sad, and challenging all at the same time. This move has forced us to go through our things, combine what we went, toss what we don't, and donate ALOT to goodwill. I love packing because it does allow you to get rid of a lot of things you held on to for just incase you may need it one day reason. But yesterday after everything was packed up but the bare minimal, I realized now I have to UNPACK it all at home. That was my breaking point. I lost it. My poor husband looked at me and say you are overwhelmed aren't you. Yes I am. Change its inevitable, yet its hard at the same time.

Change needs to happen. And this change is good. This change is preparing us for our future moves. Because those moves are inevitable too! I married  football coach! I need to get use to these moves every so many years. I know they will become easier and each one will just mean we are growing and making more memories. But no matter what spin you but on moving it still means change.

Change is good, moving is good LIFE is good!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #16 - Swaping your shoes

Swap out your shoes

While we've all heard that running shoes break down after logging lots of miles (about 300 to 350), you may still be holding on to your fave pair. (They fit just right! They're so cushy!) Not a good idea. "Glue has a tendency to break down under ultraviolet light, as do the other materials that make up the shoe," says Andrew Kastor. So even if your sneaks have only 150 miles on them or you have worn them 3 months to do a fitness program like P90X or T25, recycle them (try oneworldrunning.com or recycledrunners.com), because chances are they've already started deteriorating. And as a rule of thumb, always keep tabs on how many miles / consistent days you have worn them to do an intense exercise program —tedious, but hey, you'll be proud of how far you've gone. If you feel pain in your knees or hips stop and think about when the last time you got new shoes. Your body will tell you when its time. Don't ignore it because you could end up seriously injuring yourself if you do.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


EEKKK!!! I am so excited to share this recipe! It was out of this world AMAZING!!! I was worried at first just because it was a casserole type dish, BUT, it was amazing and I absolutely love it!!! AND it was Husband Approved!!! He liked it soo much that he took the leftovers to work today for lunch!!
This is a MUST try recipe!! You won't regret it!! I know the picture looks a little weird but I forget to snap it before I dished it out. But this is one serving. It was filling and big! 
Turkey & Quinoa Bake
Makes 4 servings
Each serving = 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 red
Yellow Container Ingredients
1 cup uncooked Quinoa
Red Container Ingredients
1lb package 99% Lean Ground Turkey
Green Container Ingredients
Tomato Sauce (blend up grape tomatoes to make  2 cups)
Spinach – 2 cups
Blue Container Ingredients
Shredded Cheddar (4 Blue containers worth)
Freebie ingredients
Juice of 1 lime
Chili Powder 2 Tbsp
Cumin 2 Tsp
Garlic Powder 1 Tsp
Cholula Hot Sauce to taste (optional)
1.    Preheat Oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a 9X13 baking dish with coconut oil & set aside.
2.    Add 1 Cup of Quinoa to 2 cups water in a Medium saucepan & bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil for 5 minutes. Turn heat to low & simmer for about 15 minutes, or until water is absorbed. Remove from heat & fluff with a fork. Cover quinoa & set aside.
3.    Spray frying pan with non-stick cooking spray. Add the ground turkey, breaking it up as it browns. Cook for about 10 minutes & add lime choice, red peppers, cayenne pepper, and garlic powder. Cook for 5 minutes more, or until meat if no longer pink.
  1. Remove from heat & add the quinoa to the meat & veggie mixture. Pour in the tomato sauce, hot sauce, spinach and stir. Add the cumin, chili powder & garlic powde. Stir to combine. Adjust seasonings to taste.
5.    Add 1 blue container of shredded Cheddar Cheese.
6.    Pour mixture into prepared baking dish. Top with remaining 3 (blue) containers of Cheddar. Cover with foil & bake for 20 minutes. Remove foil & bake for an additional 10 minutes or until cheese is melted & edges are bubbling. Remove from oven& let cool for 10 minutes.
Served with a side of Broccoli - 1 EXTRA GREEN

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The length of time you remain down is important

"The fact that you have been knocked down is interesting, but the length of time you remain down is important," Austin O'Malley.

Life is full of problems and you will encounter a few a long your journey. And some of those problems will  even knock you down.

When you get knocked down, ask yourself this...how long will I stay down?

Will you give up? Will you stay down and feel sorry for yourself? Will lay in a puddle of self doubt, defeat, and disappointment? OR will you get back get back up? Will you continue on your journey? Will you keep trying?

We will all fall. We will all fail at some point in life. But it's how we handle those failures and falls that determine who we are and if we will be successful!

When you fall next time, learn to make the best of it! Learn to pick yourself back up quickly, brush yourself off, and to keep going! Learn from your falls and failures, but never stop! Never stay down forever!

Henry Ford said it best, "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently."

So take your falls and failures and begin again. Begin but this time with more wisdom and more intelligence.

You can do it! No more fear. No more staying down! From here on...you WILL pick yourself up and you WILL keep going!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Transformation Tuesday!!! - 60 Day Insanity Max 30 Program

Eeek the results are in!! On January 4th I started Insanity Max 30 not quite sure where the next 60 days were going to take me. However, they took me on an amazing journey!!

I LOVE Insanity Max 30. This program not only helped me lose weight and inches, but this program helped me gain confidence, it helped me learn to defeat my mind, helped me set goals and reach beyond them. This program gave me a sense of empowerment over my mind and body!! I feel amazing after doing this program for 60 days!! There were days I did eat a little more than I wanted or had a treat meal but I stuck to my eating plan 90% of the entire 60 days and happy with these results.

Day 1 -
Chest - 32 1/2 inches
Arm R and L - 10 inches
Thigh R and L - 20 inches
Calf R and L - 13 1/2 inches
Waist - 29 inches
Hips - 31 1/4 inches
Butt - 36 1/2 inches
Weight 122.8
Total Inches - 172.75

Day 60 -
Chest - 30 1/2 inches
Arm R and L - 10 inches
Thigh R and L - 19 1/2 inches
Calf  R and L - 13 inches
Waist - 25 1/2 inches
Hips - 28 3/4 inches
Butt - 34 3/4 inches
Weight - 116.2
Total Inches - 162.0

So what did I lose? I love a total of 6.6 pounds and 10.75 inches overall!!!

I am SUPER happy with these results. I know I lost more weight in the first month and built a lot of muscle in the second month. However, I did still lose  little in the second month.

However, the greatest thing I gained was my confidence and the biggest thing I lost was my self doubt and giving into my mind.

This program is a challenge. It was even for me. But I learned to push past my limitations and go beyond what I ever dreamed of. And with this program you can too. Plus there is a modifier that will allow you to start out slow and gain the confidence you need to push play every day and push past your limitations!!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Day 1 of the 21 Day Fix

Today Started a new program for me. I finished Insanity Max 30 on Saturday and I cant wait to share those results with you!

However, today I want to talk to you about the 21 Day Fix. This is the VERY first time I am doing this program. SAY WHAT?!?! I know right! This program has been out for over a year and I am now just doing it. Don't get me wrong, I have been doing the eating plan since it came out, but I have never done the 2 together! Well here it goes!

Today was day 1 with Cardio Fix. It was not easy by any means, even after I have finished Max 30. I was drenched in sweat. However, I am not has tired, as I usually am when finishing Max 30. However I know I am going to be sore. Why? Because she uses weights. Today was the first time I have picked up a weight in I don't know how long!

I really enjoyed the workout. There were 4 different rounds and each move was a minute long, and well a minute long does sound long but let me tell you, they were long! haha

Though its only day 1, I am excited to see where the next 3 weeks takes me. And then after that its 21 Day Fix Extreme - Count Down to Competition Meal Plan