Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Motivational Wednesday - Do you have Excusitis?!?!

So let's get REAL......

Do you have EXCUSITIS? 
Huh? Is that even a thing? What is it your asking.
I am here to tell you it's real! And most of us have it! It's the failure Disease!
Are you full of excuses? Do you think your too old? Too young? Not healthy enough? Or have something "wrong" with you? Do you think you are not smart enough? That others are smarter, better trained? Do you think others are just "LUCKIER"? That you have the WORST luck? 
Guess what?!? I am about to burst your bubble! So stop reading if you don't want to hear the truth.
Those thoughts are EXCUSES! 
You are only as old as you feel! Which means if you feel 80 your body is going to act 80, whether your 25, 45, or 80. But if you FEEL 25 then your body will act like a 25 year old, whether your 25, 45, or 80! In the words of Tony Horton, AGING is for IDIOTS! 
If you BELIEVE you aren't smart of enough then you won't be! There are tons of people that are HUGELY successful without a college degree! It's not because they are smarter, it's because they believed they could be successful no matter what! You can be a genius and not be successful if you don't believe that you can succeed!
Luck! There is NO such thing as luck! Hard work, consistency, and dedication is what is going to get you where you want to go! So stop saying they are luckier than you are! No they just want it badder than you do!
And health, honestly, we all have some ailment wrong with us. But if you want something bad enough, better life, lose weight, etc, you will find a way. Refuse to talk about your health. Believe that you ARE healthy! The less bad you talk about your health the better you will feel.
Today rid yourself of the disease EXCUSITIS! 
Stop allowing your excuses to dictate your life! Take charge! You can do it! I believe in you!!

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