Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Confidence What?!?


Would you believe me if I told you they I used to have no confidence? 

Would you believe me if I told you that I used to be be insecure about myself?

Would you believe me if I told you that I AM an introvert?

This picture, my workouts, my videos depict that I am NOT, but I was!

Just 3 years ago, I lacked confidence, was super insecure about myself, and was a complete introvert. 

I was a girl that was insecure and LACKED any and all confidence. I was a day dreamer and someone that was very uninteresting. Leave me be, and I was content being by myself. I had no desire to meet a guy, because I honestly didn't think I was worthy. 

However, this picture now tells you of the girl I am BECOMING! I am more confident, sure of myself, a go getter, a dream follower. I have even grown to be social, not an extrovert, but not a leave me be, I am content alone girl. And best of all I KNOW I am worthy and very lucky to have found my soulmate. 

Don't get me wrong, it's not an over night transformation. I didn't just wake up one day and say I am confident - it took work. And if you want the FULL TRUTH, I still struggle! Not everyday, not weekly, but I do have my days where I doubt myself, where I struggle with belief in who I am, but they don't last long and I know how to get myself out of the funk!

So what's the secret?!? How am I continuing to work on confidence? 

Honestly I have to say with the help of Beachbody! This company, what they stand for, not only helped me with my health and fitness, but with my confidence. 

Working out daily and reading personal development has allowed me to not just come out of my shell, but to feel confident, believe in myself, set HAGS goals, AND feel beautiful and and comfortable in my own skin. 

Working out isn't just about being skinny to me anymore. Working out to me now is about being healthy, fit, and confident in the person I am!

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