Monday, June 13, 2016

Working out - It's not about being skinny its about being healthy for life!


So many people think that they can't workout, that they are too old, that it's not for them - They can never have a six pack or defined muscles.
Don't get me wrong, those are perks to working out. But that's not why I do it everyday and it's not why I promote it daily! 
It's sooo much more! 
It's about life! It's about living! It's about being there for your kids, your grand kids, and it's about not getting winded and needing to sit down when you are playing with your kids. It's about being that role model to your family and friends.
Working out and eating clean isn't about fitting into a size 0 any more. Working out and eating clean is about living longer, having a healthy pregnancy (when the time is right), being there for my kids, and showing my parents that they can do it too!
Working out and eating clean helps me battle my anxiety and feel confident and sexy for my husband. 
And for today, TODAY ONLY!! I am offering to coach you for FREE!! This means that when you purchase a challenge pack from me (a program plus a month supply of Shakeology) I will send you a $25 Gift Card of your choice. 
You must order by midnight (6/11/16) and you can opt into my Beach Boot Camp starting June 20th. 
Summer is here are you ready to start living a longer happier life? 
If so, email me at or drop your email below and I will send you all the information! 

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