Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Life is TOO short to not FOLLOW your Dreams!

Wow! This popped up on my timeline yesterday!

Did you know that 2 years ago, we were 2 weeks away from getting married, paying for part of our wedding and also the whole reception, Rich took a new job which was a pay cut and I was struggling to find a teaching job.

We honestly didn't have the money for this trip.


We jumped! Rich saw the passion I had for coaching and helping others. He saw what this company had to offer. And even though we didn't have the extra cash laying around for me to fly to Vegas, pay for a room and food.


We did it. We made it happen. And we didn't stop there! On this day, Rich called me and told me to stop looking for a teaching job because he wanted me to go ALL IN with coaching.


Give up my tenure? My pension? My insurance? The security of a full time job? Security of a paycheck every month?


Was I worried about what others thought? Was I worried about people thinking I was making the wrong choices? Was I worried that I could be making more money doing something else? Was I worried that it wouldn't work? YES, yes and yes.


I did it anyway. I was more worried about going back to teaching and being miserable. And I was more worried about failing myself and not following my passion!

I can't tell you it was easy! I can't tell you it will be a piece of cake. BUT I can tell you it's worth every hill and bump you have to climb!

Life is too short. Don't just keep doing what you are doing without questioning it or you'll end up living someone else's life.

I thought teaching was it for me, till coaching came into my life. If I didn't jump, I wouldn't be where I am today...Happy, creating a life of my dreams, creating a future for the FAMILY I want to have.

Follow your gut! Follow your dreams. Dare! Be bold! Do you! Go after what you want!

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