Thursday, June 9, 2016

Scale Watchers UNITE!


Do you watch the scale? Do feel dependent on getting on it everyday? Does it rule how you "Feel"? Does it rule your emotions? Well know this, YOU are NOT alone.
Confession Time.....
The scale controls me too.😔
Yes, I am a health and fitness coach. And yes, I know it's NOT about the scale.....I can preach it till I am blue in the face.😨
I don't follow my own advice. The scale, and the number it reads, controls my thoughts.
I have struggled all my life with my weight. I was never obese, but I was puffy and in high school I was on the heavier side.
I never liked how I looked. I never felt confident in my skin, and food was my enemy even before being diagnosed with celiacs.
And honestly, I still have days and weeks, where I get on the scale everyday to see the number and whether it's going up or not.
I know DEEP DOWN, that the scale is the enemy and that it's not what the scale says that matters! But it's a MENTAL thing with me!
This year, I am working towards this scale!
I want my scale to say I am Healthy! I want it to say I am fit. That I am strong. That I am happy.
This year isn't about losing weight. This year is about HEALTH and WELLNESS for me!
Know that when it comes to the scale you are NOT alone! I want you to know that I too struggle with that darn scale!
But together, we can support each other and help each KNOW and TRULY believe that we are BETTER than the scale and that we don't need it to tell us we are beautiful!!
Together we can make our own scale that says Healthy! Fit! Strong! Happy!
Together we can over come the evilness of the scale and our need to rely on it.

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