Monday, June 6, 2016

What lens are you looking through?

How do you see the world? 🌎

5 years ago I saw the world as:

✔️ You go to your full time job daily
✔️ You get paid every 2 weeks
✔️ Teaching is safe, you will always have a job.
✔️ You will get a pension
✔️ You have benefits
✔️ Retirement
✔️ You will get a raise
✔️ You are tenured
✔️ You only work M-F, 9 months of the year
However, I have seen a new view of the world and options I have.
Today I see the world as...

✔️ An adventure
✔️ Freedom
✔️ Happiness
✔️ Passion, Drive
✔️ CEO of my OWN Health and Wellness business
✔️ Getting a Raise every week, month, AND year
✔️ Helping others become successful CEOs of their own health
What changed?
5 years ago I was miserable teaching. The school systems were making cuts and I honestly didn't know if I would have a job, I was searching for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING outside of teaching. I was looking for ways to be able to be a stay at home, work from home, make my own hours, and make WAY MORE than a teaching salary ever would!
Enter 3 years later and I was presented with the coaching opportunity! I had no clue what I was getting into or what it was even about, BUT, I knew it was my chance to follow a passion that was lit, and a way to get out of teaching full time!
It was honestly my unanswered prayer 2 years ago from God!
Today I am happy, I work from home, I can get up whenever I want to, but still JUMP out of bed at 5 to help others get healthy and fit and to build their own successful business!
Today, I am no longer a teacher but I am a CEO of my own Health and Wellness online business! And I am making a teacher's salary and continuing to get raises weekly, monthly, and yearly.
And now as a "Premiere Coach" in the organization, I want to PAY IT FORWARD!
I am looking for women that are honest, dedicated, driven, family oriented, positive, and teachable.
I will teach you everything you need to know to run a successful business only dedicating an HOUR of your time.
All the things I did and MORE that made me successful!
I will give you every secret, tip, and trick, that I LEARNED to run a business all while at home, on the go, planning a wedding, and teaching full time!
And the best part is that you don't have to be an expert OR have the perfect body OR be a car salesman!!
You just have to like helping others reach their health and fitness goals AND learn how to be confident in their own bodies!
No perfection here! Hot messes are welcomed. Because let's be real, I am NOT perfect and I AM one hot mess!
I have an all EXCLUSIVE, one on one Coach Basics Training opening up June 13th. And I only have 5 posts left.
If you are interested and serious about building a business, part time or full time, then message me, like this post, or email me at
Don’t miss out on this AMAZING OPPORTUNITY!!

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