Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Food Allergies SUCK!!!

Food Allergies Suck!!

Thank goodness for this shake!


Because the past 2-3 weeks my stomach has been junk! Every time I eat I get bloated, gassy 🙈, and it just plain hurts. 🤕

I have celiacs disease 🍞 and I can't handle dairy 🍦, and I hate meat 🍗 so pretty much I am a vegan by default.

But lately even though I avoid all those things and trust me it's a LOT, my stomach is still getting upset. 😳

But when I drink Shakeology, it doesn't hurt my stomach, actually it soothes my stomach.  Weird right?!?

Not really, it's full of vitamins, minerals, and 70+ superfoods, and it's what has helped me get back to normal in all my levels.

I am glad I have it, especially when my stomach does this and turns on me and all food!

What is your go to food or meal when your stomach just doesn't want anything but you know you need to eat? 🍏🍌🍲🍜

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